March, 2016
March, 2016
As of December, 2015, 61 MILLION! Immigrants and their young children were living in the USA, and THREE-FOURTHS CAME LEGALLY!
And the Inflow is ACCELERATING with over half a million Visa Holders overstaying their Visas in 2015 alone…truly a Demographic Tsunami, but, given that the World's population is increasing by 80 Million/yr. the pressure to come to the USA will only INCREASE.
Fortunately, BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies have a REAL SOLUTION—our 2016-2017 Initiative described below—which will work to diminish or eliminate key Threats if we all join to support it NOW.
But first, some of the Findings of the excellent study recently released by the Center for Immigration Studies
• In December 2015 there were 61 million immigrants (legal and illegal) and U.S.-born children under age 18 with at least one immigrant parent living in the United States.
• Immigrants allowed into the country legally and their children account for three-fourths (45.3 million) of all immigrants and their children.
• Almost one in five U.S. residents is now an immigrant or minor child of an immigrant parent.
• The numbers represent a complete break with the recent history of the United States. As recently as 1970, there were only 13.5 million immigrants and their young children in the country, accounting for one in 15 U.S. residents.
• Just since 2000, the number of immigrants and their children has increased by 18.4 million.
• The number of immigrants and their young children grew six times faster than the nation's total population from 1970 to 2015 — 353 percent vs. 59 percent.
• In many states the increase in the number of immigrants and their minor children from 1970 to 2015 has been nothing short of astonishing:
- In Georgia, this population grew 3,058 percent (from 55,000 to 1.75 million), 25 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Nevada, this population grew 3,002 percent (from 26,000 to 821,000), six times faster than the overall state population.
- In North Carolina, this population grew 2,937 percent (from 47,000 to 1.43 million), 30 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Arkansas, this population grew 1,831 percent (from 12,000 to 228,000), 34 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Tennessee, this population grew 1,823 percent (from 28,000 to 537,000), 27 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Virginia, this population grew 1,150 percent (from 114,000 to 1.42 million), 15 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Oklahoma, this population grew 1,139 percent (from 37,000 to 458,000), 22 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Texas, this population grew 1,084 percent (from 582,000 to 6.89 million), 7 times faster than the overall state population.
- In Arizona, this population grew 1,019 percent (from 131,000 to 1.46 million), four times faster than the overall state population.
"61 Million Immigrants and Their Young Children Now Live in the United States." www.cis.org March, 2016
First, just consider a few of the accompanying Negative Effects:
- The major effect of immigration is that it redistributes income from labor to capital by competing down wages…
The idea that immigration creates new income for the majority of native-born Americans is a myth.
Prof. Borjas’ latest paper on this [Immigration and the American Worker: A Review of the Academic Literature, CIS, April 2013.] estimates the current “immigration surplus” to about $35 billion, or a miniscule 0.24% of GDP. This is not a gain to workers. In fact, this fairly modest surplus is the difference between an enormous $437 billion gain accruing to American employers and a slightly less enormous $402 billion wage loss suffered by native-born American workers. Ed Rubenstein writing in vDare.com August, 2015
- And Immigrant Job Growth was 40% above Americans in the past year
Ibid, March, 2016
— In 2015 the Obama Administration released some 90,000 Illegals deemed Criminal Threats into American Communities, according to DHS. And there is evidence that many of these went to Sanctuary cities where they are protected from deportation.
— 124 Criminal Aliens released by ICE since 2010 have subsequently been charged with HOMICIDE! (Senate Judiciary Committee Rpt. March, 2016)
— And, reported by Sovereignty Project, the Obama Administration recently lifted the ban on admitting immigrants with three Sexually Transmitted Diseases — Chancroid, granunala inguinale and lymphogranuloma venereum.
— And DHS expanded its Refugee Admission program to help Central American Illegals qualify as Refugees.
Outrageously, Local Communities can be FORCED to accept refugees being resettled, under current law.
Related to this encouragement of mass immigration, housing "Shortage" and Crowding Crises intensify across the USA, from New York (where there is a battle over building on vacant lots) to California where the Working poor in Silicon Valley cannot find affordable housing within commuting distance of where they work. And poor, short- sighted Sanctuary City, San Francisco, is attempting to remove the homeless who live under Freeway overpasses. Don’t we have a moral obligation to provide opportunities to our own poor, homeless and unemployed people first?
Yes, legal and illegal immigration add about 2 million people annually to the U.S. population! Their US-born children add more.
California alone receives some 400,000 legal immigrants per year (Census Bureau) yet its reservoirs are only 39% full and drought stricken California's Rainy Season is nearly over. One Scientist predicted California will run out of water for farming this year (see BALANCE Alert May, 2015).
And each 400,000 cohort requires an ADDITIONAL one million Acre-feet of water per year.
And thus another battle is brewing over demands that much of what little water there is be sent from Northern to Southern California, which of course would devastate the Salmon Fishery and other wildlife.
— And it is not just loss of farmland from immigration-generated population growth (one acre used up as the result of each person added to the U.S. Population — Pimentel, Cornell University) but also lost biodiversity and whole ecosystems.
And of course there are the Threats to Budgetary Solvency from Mass Immigration. Over 90% of Refugees are receiving taxpayer-funded public Assistance. And over 50% of legal and Illegal Immigrant-headed households are on some taxpayer-funded welfare program (www.cis.org ) And all are eligible for essentially "free" (taxpayer funded) health care and education.
BALANCE needs your help NOW to implement our 2016-2017 Victory Initiative Action Plan and to STOP the worsening Crisis! Encourage your Representatives to enact:
1) THE ONLY SOLUTION: A Zero-Net All-Inclusive, i.e., including
“Refugees” and “Aslyees”, Moratorium on Legal Immigration — this would
still allow 100,000 to 150,000 thousand Immigrants to obtain legal
residence annually. That number — still large — compares with an
estimated 1.5 million aliens now admitted to the USA annually. A
Zero-Net Moratorium is Essential not only because of the extraordinary
costs to Taxpayers saddled with providing Billions of Dollars’ worth of
"Free" benefits to most of the Legal immigrants and illegal aliens, but
also to protect our Natural Environment from Degradation and
unsustainable resource use. Drastically Reduce or eliminate H1b and
related programs that bring workers and their families into the U.S.,
taking more American jobs and further depressing wages.
Thus the Reps. Brat (R-VA) and Hice (R-GA) Bill, H.R. 604, which would end Chain Migration and enhance Enforcement, is definitely a step in the Right Direction, as is the Refugee Program Restoration Act (HR4731-Goodlatt R-VA) which would reduce the refugee cap to 60,000 annually, but we really do need a Moratorium!
BALANCE supports other excellent Bills as well:
S2266 Grassley (R-Iowa) Durbin (D-Ill) would prohibit replacement of American Workers by H1B or L-1 Visa Holders and prohibit more H1(B) if more than 50% of their workers are already on these Visas. And the "Protection of Children" Act (S2561 — Sessions R-Ala and Johnson R-Wisc) would return children to their families in their Home Countries but pushing a Moratorium is priority #1.
2) No More Amnesties or Sanctuary Cities — Amnesties reward Illegal Behavior with increasingly Tragic Consequences. "Sanctuary City" laws are de facto Amnesties and should be defunded and outlawed. Support "Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act", HR 3002 – Rep. Barletta (R-PA) and "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act", HR 3309 – Rep. Hunter (R-CA) and HR 1148 – Gowdy (R-SC) which would empower local law enforcement to enforce Federal Immigration laws, as well as companion bills in the Senate. Were it not for Sanctuary City laws and Open Borders policies, those many victims murdered or injured by Illegal Aliens in San Francisco, San Antonio, Las Vegas, New Jersey, Arizona, and Laredo, Texas and elsewhere might be alive and well today.
For those who say it is already "too late" to save America, we respond that, unless we act NOW, the Situation will become Worse, MUCH WORSE. UNLESS WE ACT NOW! IF we do not succeed, a "Third World Hell Hole" is surely in our Future and the Paris Massacres are a Warning!
3) Enforce Immigration Laws — Secure the Borders: Existing laws relating to Legal Immigration and Border Security are not being enforced, primarily because of the Obama Administration's Unconstitutional Executive Orders including tying the hands of our Border Patrol, as Arizona Sheriff Babeu has documented.
4) No Citizenship for the US-born Offspring of Illegal Aliens’ or Visitors’ : "Birth Tourism" has become a flourishing Industry in the USA, and, understandably so, since babies born in the USA are deemed (based on a judicial misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment) to be Citizens. As Citizens, they can bring their parents and other relatives into the USA as permanent legal residents — on average, seventeen relatives per Anchor Baby — eligible for Citizenship, as well as Billions in "free" Medical Care, Education, Welfare payments, Food Stamps and other taxpayer funded benefits.
5) STOP the TPP TRADE DEAL! The TPP would not only require "free movement of persons" among member nations (of which Mexico is one), but also establish an International Commission which could Negate/Override the power of the USA to set its own immigration policy. As well Service Providing Companies in ANY of the Member Nations could send into the USA unlimited numbers of their service providing personnel to compete with American workers, thus depressing American workers wages and eliminating many of their Jobs. The Job-Killing TPP must be stopped!
Thus the Reps. Brat (R-VA) and Hice (R-GA) Bill, H.R. 604, which would end Chain Migration and enhance Enforcement, is definitely a step in the Right Direction, as is the Refugee Program Restoration Act (HR4731-Goodlatt R-VA) which would reduce the refugee cap to 60,000 annually, but we really do need a Moratorium!
BALANCE supports other excellent Bills as well:
S2266 Grassley (R-Iowa) Durbin (D-Ill) would prohibit replacement of American Workers by H1B or L-1 Visa Holders and prohibit more H1(B) if more than 50% of their workers are already on these Visas. And the "Protection of Children" Act (S2561 — Sessions R-Ala and Johnson R-Wisc) would return children to their families in their Home Countries but pushing a Moratorium is priority #1.
2) No More Amnesties or Sanctuary Cities — Amnesties reward Illegal Behavior with increasingly Tragic Consequences. "Sanctuary City" laws are de facto Amnesties and should be defunded and outlawed. Support "Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act", HR 3002 – Rep. Barletta (R-PA) and "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act", HR 3309 – Rep. Hunter (R-CA) and HR 1148 – Gowdy (R-SC) which would empower local law enforcement to enforce Federal Immigration laws, as well as companion bills in the Senate. Were it not for Sanctuary City laws and Open Borders policies, those many victims murdered or injured by Illegal Aliens in San Francisco, San Antonio, Las Vegas, New Jersey, Arizona, and Laredo, Texas and elsewhere might be alive and well today.
For those who say it is already "too late" to save America, we respond that, unless we act NOW, the Situation will become Worse, MUCH WORSE. UNLESS WE ACT NOW! IF we do not succeed, a "Third World Hell Hole" is surely in our Future and the Paris Massacres are a Warning!
3) Enforce Immigration Laws — Secure the Borders: Existing laws relating to Legal Immigration and Border Security are not being enforced, primarily because of the Obama Administration's Unconstitutional Executive Orders including tying the hands of our Border Patrol, as Arizona Sheriff Babeu has documented.
4) No Citizenship for the US-born Offspring of Illegal Aliens’ or Visitors’ : "Birth Tourism" has become a flourishing Industry in the USA, and, understandably so, since babies born in the USA are deemed (based on a judicial misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment) to be Citizens. As Citizens, they can bring their parents and other relatives into the USA as permanent legal residents — on average, seventeen relatives per Anchor Baby — eligible for Citizenship, as well as Billions in "free" Medical Care, Education, Welfare payments, Food Stamps and other taxpayer funded benefits.
5) STOP the TPP TRADE DEAL! The TPP would not only require "free movement of persons" among member nations (of which Mexico is one), but also establish an International Commission which could Negate/Override the power of the USA to set its own immigration policy. As well Service Providing Companies in ANY of the Member Nations could send into the USA unlimited numbers of their service providing personnel to compete with American workers, thus depressing American workers wages and eliminating many of their Jobs. The Job-Killing TPP must be stopped!
The ONLY Solution to keeping the Mass Immigration-generated Crises from getting much, much worse is to push the Administration and Congress to enact a zero-net MORATORIUM on Legal Immigration and seal the Borders to stop Illegal Immigration. Eisenhower Administration policies showed that many illegal aliens self-deport when authorities get tougher, as President Eisenhower did when he deported nearly 2 Million Illegals in the 1950s. Thus the claim that Mass Deportation or Mass Legalization are the only options is a FALSE CHOICE. And we must push NOW so that we can generate increasing support for Bills to be enacted ASAP, but realistically no later than when a New President is in office in the Spring, 2017.
From a Political-Strategic Perspective, pushing a zero-net Moratorium is the ONLY WAY to delegitimize the whole Policy of Mass Immigration . Also, pushing a Moratorium is Essential to maximize Political Pressure to get some Reductions at least. BALANCE’s Moratorium Push MAXIMIZES Political Pressure NOW and thus is the most efficient use of our Activists’ time and money.
Refusing to push a Moratorium (as certain Inside-the-Beltway and other Mass Immigration [de facto ] Management Groups do), is a Recipe for Failure as the past three decades have shown, since that is merely Defensive.
Such a Refusal is, indeed, Counterproductive —merely pushing for “immigration reform,” legitimizes the continuation of Mass Immigration because it sends the message that Mass Immigration is OK if we just tweak it a little bit. And it is even worse to push for "Controlled Immigration for the National Interest" or for the two-decades old Jordan Commission Recommendation that Immigration be cut by a third, because that sends the message that Mass Immigration IS in the National Interest. We are far beyond the Point where pushing to merely cut Mass Immigration by a third or a half is an effective Political or Demographic or Security Strategy.
And a cut by a third or even a half does NOT put the USA on the path to Sustainability. Rather, it just delays the Inevitable Disintegration and Degradation for a very few years. As well, being merely Defensive increases the chances of passage of Bad Bills, e.g., Illegal Alien Amnesties, and the Issuance of Unconstitutional Executive Orders.
Pushing a zero-net Moratorium is key as an objective because it is reasonable and Essential for long-term environmental and Personal Protection and for providing Sufficient Resources, INCLUDING WATER and FOOD and Money, for survival. Today, we are in the process of exceeding our long-term Carrying Capacity. We must Reverse Course NOW!
In sum, a zero-net Moratorium is The Necessary Condition for achieving U.S. Population Stabilization, long term Environmental Protection, Budgetary Solvency in State and Local Government (especially for our Health Care and Educational Institutions), Tax Reduction, Unemployment Reduction, Social and Cultural Cohesion and Personal Safety… and for protection of our Food and Water Supplies!
Mass Immigration is thus NOT “Just about the Numbers” as one Management Group claims. WE ARE FACING A MANY-MONTHS-LONG SERIES OF BATTLES ON THESE ISSUES, extending well into 2017. So PLEASE Help BALANCE Intensify our push for a zero-net Moratorium and the other Victory Initiative Positions!
Certain Well-Funded Cheap Labor Advocates on the Right, and Ethnic Power and Government Benefits Recipients on the Left, are pushing hard for further implementation of President Obama's Mass Illegal Alien Amnesty, AND FOR MASSIVE INCREASES IN LEGAL IMMIGRATION, including Refugees and Asylees!
Only our Massive Grassroots Effort can stop them! Phone Calls or Office Visits followed by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax machines can be turned off). And please consider that BALANCE is greatly outspent by the Cheap Labor Lobby and various Ethnic Power Lobbies.
So Please Help BALANCE Intensify our push for the aforementioned ASAP! Coalition Initiatives, TODAY, NOW!
BALANCE very much needs you to make a Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Please DONATE at our website: www.balance.org or, to donate via U.S mail, please send to:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Thank you,
Population-Environment Balance
Population-Environment Balance
Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006
BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006
BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding
the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our
Environment, Nation, Budgets and Personal Safety.