“I urge all my coreligionist families in Europe to have at least five children each! ..... The more people we have in Europe the more power we will have you are the future of Europe!” —Recep Erdogan, Muslim President/Dictator of Turkey, March, 2017
that is called. And Political Realism.
And it echoes
the Headline from the Leading Mexican Newspaper, The Excelsior, a few
years ago:
“Poblar es Gobernar.” To populate is to Govern.
And the
echoes reach back in history:
“We must outbreed them!” —Edward I of England, of his Scottish and Welsh opponents in the 1200s AD
But we in
the USA don’t have anything to worry about from such demographic threats, do
Think again:
Steve King (R - IA) recently uttered
the following seemingly innocuous statement on his Twitter account about the
outcome of the Dutch election contest between nationalist candidate Geert
Wilders and the incumbent socialist Prime Minister:
“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
But Rep.
King’s mere acknowledgement that he recognizes what demographics means for the
future of the USA caused Fiery Responses {including Death Threats} from the Globalist
Open Borders advocates and Cultural Marxists. But in fact, like it or not, Rep.
King’s concerns are based in fact.
Already in
the USA there are areas where Sharia law prevails. That is surely a Threat to our Personal
Safety Environment and to Women’s Rights
And what is
a Sanctuary City after all, in addition to being a Refuge for Lawbreakers and a
Community Violation and rejection of the Rule of law? Yet
another Threat to our Personal Safety Environment
Sanctuary Cities are protected Enclaves for
as many U.S. law-defying non-U.S. Citizens who are able to make it to one; and
who, once there, advocate for ever more migration from their home countries and
for their protected status and full U.S. Taxpayer-funded welfare, health and
education benefits once they arrive—yet another manifestation of Demographic
And the
more national resources spent on illegal aliens, the less is left to distribute
among Americans.
Regarding our
reiteration of the following quote from Am Cons. we must say that BALANCE’s
emphasis has never been, and is not now on the various ethnicities of the immigrant
flow. On the other hand BALANCE refuses to succumb to Cultural Marxism’s
attempts to permit only ‘Politically Correct’ speech. Factually, accurate reflection of the
tremendous magnitude of the ONGOING Demographic Tsunami requires that one take
ethnicity into account. The replacement
of one people by another is the essence of demographic aggression. Immigration
and high fertility rates are the weapons of Demographic Warfare.
“Last June the U.S. Census disclosed that non-white births in America were on the verge of surpassing the white total and might do so as early as the end of this year. Such an event marks an unprecedented racial watershed in American history. Over the last few years, various demographic projections from that same agency and independent analysts have provided somewhat fluctuating estimates of the date--perhaps 2042 or 2037 or 2050—at which white Americans will become a minority.“Today, the median age of American whites is over 40, putting most of them past their prime child-bearing years.“Meanwhile, America’s largest minority group, the rapidly growing population of Hispanics, has a median age in the mid-20s, near the peak of family formation and growth, while both Asians and blacks are also considerably younger than whites. In fact, since 1995 births rather than immigration have been the largest factor behind the near doubling of America’s Hispanic population.”:AmCons: Ron Unz: Immigration, Republicans, and the End of White America
consider that there are already 3 million Muslims, with traditionally high
Fertility Rates, and other ethnic groups, also with high fertility rates, in
the USA today, that number is growing steadily.
And the
foregoing transformation is mainly a result of Legal Immigration averaging 1.5
Million per year Effects on Americans and established immigrants include Wage
Depression, Job Loss, more Taxes to pay for Welfare, because fully half those
legal immigrants (Yes, Half!) depend on one or more welfare programs. The taxpayer funded Education and Health Care costs add to the burden.
And we must
reiterate the Threat to our Natural Environment from this Demographic
Tsunami. It is critically important to bear in mind
“For every person added to the U.S. Population, One Acre of Farmland (i.e. Precious Topsoil which requires decades to rebuild) or Natural Habitat is converted to developed uses.” (Pimentel Cornell)
In light of this Fact consider that California receives 400,000 Legal Immigrants/year (U.S.
Census) and that at least half of the acreage lost to residential and
commercial development is Farmland. And consider that half of all the USA’s
primary agricultural products are produced in California. In sum California is not only losing
Agricultural income with the loss of 200,000+ acres of farmland per year, but
the USA is slowly but surely losing the capacity to feed itself or have
agricultural products for export.
And the
Natural Habitat loss is Tragic as well—dozens of butterfly and plant species
have been made extinct due to development. Draws on river and groundwater not
only threaten fish but create tension between immediate human demand for water
and its agricultural uses.
inconsequentially, a substantial majority of Legal and Illegal Immigrants have
low education levels. The New Americans, a 1990s National Research Council
analysis, estimated that the average newcomer from Central America has less
than an eighth grade education. A more recent study found NO evidence that
low-skill workers are a net economic benefit. On the contrary, the same study
concluded that, if 10 Million Illegal Aliens were Amnestied, the NET cost to
Taxpayers would be $1.29 TRILLION or $15,000 for each and every Household in
the USA! (R. Rector—National Academy of Sciences, November 2016).
while population growth typically increases a Nation’s GDP, it always reduces
that Nation’s Per Capita GDP! The average person is worse off as population
grows. Just consider India and China.
During the
Obama Years, Immigrant Employment rose 4.3 times faster than Native-born
employment. Large companies like Disney and Abbott Labs continue to lay off
American workers so they can hire younger (therefore cheaper) foreign labor
under the H1b program, and laid-off American workers are often required to train their replacements as a condition to
receiving their Severance packages (Rubenstein,
Indeed, 80%
of H1b Visa holders are hired for wages lower than those paid to American
workers with the same skill set.
insult to injury, the generosity of refugee and immigration policy, which
reflects American good will and benevolence, becomes a threat to Americans’
safety and health. Many newcomers,
especially ostensible “Refugees”, are risks to our personal safety (consider
ISIS-inspired violence ) and also carry DISEASE.
the experience of the Missouri woman who
saw refugees forcibly resettled in her
state. “Forcibly” in the sense that
States have no veto over the Refugee Resettlement Agency delivering refugees
into their communities. The woman
involved in this particular incident attended refugee-related meetings along
with other agency personnel from around the state of Missouri as a requirement
of their contracts. She went on to
discuss the number of refugees coming into the state and mentioned that
President Trump slowed the number of refugees coming into the US which was well
within his purview.
She stated
that the refugees are not vetted:
“Actually they are not vetted and they are not the safest people. We’re being told through mainstream media that they are going from 12 to 18 months’ worth of vetting but in the meetings that I have attended I learned that there was no vetting done at all. They were literally given plane tickets and put on a plane right away within 24 hours. And, they were put on the plane with the clothes on their back.“Many of them come into country diseased. They come in with tuberculosis, leprosy, HIV, giardia, smallpox, polio – communicable diseases apart from giardia which is a parasite. They’re coming in with communicable diseases – highly contagious diseases”.
unfortunately, Pres. Trump’s State Department recently increased “Refugee”
resettlement to 900 a week.
If the 1.5
Million annual number of Immigrants admitted to the USA were dramatically
reduced by 90% [as the zero-net Moratorium advocated by BALANCE would do], and
if illegal Immigration were halted, ecological sustainability and social
cohesion for the USA would be possible,
but if the current flow continues we will increasingly be the victims of
the Ongoing Demographic Aggression. In sum, the USAs Demographic future is
still on track to hit One Billion by 2075 as our prescient Chart posted a
decade ago demonstrates! (See BALANCE’s
Home Page.)
But this
Chart does NOT have to become the Reality for the USA if we all push for BALANCE
and its ASAP! Coalition allies’ Real Solution Initiative which follows!
encourages you to contact your representatives to urge them to support Rep.
Brian Babin’s Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act (HR 82) to enforce the
Deportation of the 820,000 Criminal Aliens which Obama released into American
And support
Rep Barletta’s bill to Defund Sanctuary Cities (HR 83), and support Rep. King’s
Birthright Citizenship Act (HR 140) to end Birthright Citizenship and defeat
the Anchor Baby Tactic.
As well as
Rep. Culberson’s bill, HR 546 which requires the Director of the Office of
Refugee Resettlement “to obtain the approval of the Governor of a State before
placing or resettling a refugee” with the State.
And support
S179 Grassley (R-IA) Mandatory e-Verify Mandatory so employers can be sure they
are hiring only American workers.
But pushing
any or all of these alone is NOT sufficient to get any of them enacted.
BALANCE’s Strategy below creates sufficient Political Pressure NOW to achieve
Substantial Reductions in Legal Immigration?
Only by
pushing a zero-net MORATORIUM on Legal Immigration can we generate sufficient
pressure to get these other bills passed and substantially reduce Legal and
Illegal Immigration. Why?
Pushing a
Zero-Net Moratorium is key as an objective because it is reasonable and
Essential for long-term Environmental and Personal Protection and for balanced
Budgets, as well as for providing Sufficient Resources, INCLUDING WATER and
FOOD and Money, for survival. Today, the USA is in the process of exceeding our
long-term Carrying Capacity. We must Reverse Course NOW!
author, Ann Coulter, is correct—Only by enacting “a Moratorium” on Immigration
can the USA
survive (see Adios America!, A. Coulter).
In sum, a Zero-Net
Moratorium is The Necessary Condition for achieving a Sustainable Future; that
is for achieving U.S. Population Stabilization, long-term Environmental
Protection, Budgetary Solvency in State and Local Government (especially for
our Health Care and Educational Institutions), Tax Reduction, Unemployment
Reduction, Social and Cultural and Environmental Protection and Personal Safety
and for protection of our Food and Water Supplies!
Immigration is thus NOT “Just about the Numbers” as one Immigration Management Group claims. Indeed, their goal of reducing legal
immigration to 500,000 per year not only will never achieve Population
Stabilization or long-term Sustainability, nor stop Demographic Aggression.
Worse, a
500,000 per year Target is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because the message it sends is
that Mass Immigration is OK if we just tweak it a little bit. Indeed, any Immigration “Reform” group which
refuses to advocate an Immigration Moratorium is not really serious about
reducing Immigration!
So PLEASE Help BALANCE Intensify our push for a Zero-Net Moratorium and the
other Victory Initiative Positions NOW!
Well-Funded Cheap Labor Advocates on the Right, and Ethnic Power and Government
Benefits Recipients on the Left, are pushing hard for further Mass Illegal
Refugees and Asylees!
Only our
Massive Grassroots Effort can stop them! Phone Calls or Office Visits followed
by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax
machines can be turned off). And please consider that BALANCE is greatly
outspent by the Cheap Labor Lobby and various Ethnic Power Lobbies.
So Please
Help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS to Intensify our push for Zero-Net Moratorium,
And whether
very much needs you to make a Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Dollar for Dollar,
Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium,
create much more Political Clout than Donations to Mass Immigration
Management-only Groups. (Merely pushing for piecemeal Immigration Reductions
can be Counterproductive because it sends the message that Mass Immigration
itself is OK!)
So Please
DONATE at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate via U.S mail, please send to:
Population-Environment Balance |
P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Thank you,
BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons
Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance |
P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance |
1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006
BALANCE is the leading National
Organization publicizing the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population
growth to our Environment including our National, Budgetary, and Personal
Safety Environments, and Mobilizing Activists to effectively do something about