Friday, December 28, 2018

Urgent! VERY Few Days Remaining to get Immigration Reduction!

BALANCE's Strategy can Succeed with your Help NOW! Here's how!

The House recently passed a Bill including funding for The Wall and other Immigration Reduction Provisions. But the Senate is gridlocked, with several Senators who formerly supported a Wall now opposing it. Result: Partial Government shutdown which could last until the New Year. The situation is NOT hopeless (cf. Leader McConnell's recent comments) But there is reason for hope if we all CONTACT and RECONTACT OUR SENATORS NOW and tell them the Key Reasons we need a Wall and a zero-NET Moratorium on LEGAL Immigration:

First, tell them the COSTS. For example, in the USA, over 63% of Non-Citizen-headed Households (i.e., by Green Card Holders, Temporary Workers & Illegal Aliens) use one or More Welfare Programs, according to the Center for Immigration Studies' [CIS] Analysis of U.S. Census Data.

For example, 429,000 Annual Immigrant Births Cost Taxpayers $5.3 Billion.

Specifically, 1 in 5 births in the U.S. are to Immigrant Mothers. U.S. Taxpayers pay for 67% of births to illegal immigrants, 47% of births to legal immigrants according to a new report by CIS, S. Camarota, Director of Research, 10/9/18.

Illegal alien mothers who give birth in the United States score a citizen child, an anchor that often results in immunity from deportation and also entitles them to participate in child-oriented welfare and bring relatives into the USA under the Chain Migration Provisions of current law.

In High-Immigrant Destination States like California (receiving 400,000 Legal Immigrants per Year) the Number and rate of using welfare is higher than the national average — 72% in California, and 70% in Texas. And other negative consequences of allowing this Mass immigration are clear — intensifying crowding of means of transportation, unaffordable housing for low and middle income citizens (some of whom are living under bridges), drawdowns of water aquifers far in excess of recharge rates in Agricultural areas, and the use of  “Toilet to Tap” water in Orange and other counties in California. and elsewhere.

Large Majorities of Non-Citizen Welfare Users are Legal Immigrants. Nearly two-thirds of the Annual 1.5 to 1.6 Million Legal Immigrant Cohort use Welfare. Even ten years after arrival in the United States, the majority continue to participate in one or more welfare programs.

Thus, it should be no surprise that LEGAL Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion per year NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay). That is over $6 Billion per Week (and over $1,000/year in tax for each U.S. Taxpayer) and this does Not include State and Local Costs.

See the Net Costs of Legal Immigration study at Carrying Capacity Network.

Adding insult to injury, if current LEGAL immigration Trends continue, Native Born U.S. Citizens are headed toward Demographic Minority Status in Major Receiving States. This Demographic Trend toward Minority Status for Native-Born Citizens is already evident in Key Counties in these Major Receiving States, from a variety of indicators. Orange County, California — long known for its Conservative leanings — just had all of its Congressional Seats Flip from Conservative Republican to Leftist Democrat mainly as a result from dramatic recent increases in immigrant residents.

Immigrants' demographic ascendancy is making itself felt in the policy arena in measures that favor their own ethnic group/s. For example, in California, illegal Immigrants — primarily Hispanic — have already been allowed to Vote in San Francisco Elections, and there is a push to make Illegals (already eligible for Drivers Licenses) Eligible for the Vastly Expensive Medicaid Healthcare Benefits, statewide.

But Perhaps the Best Evidence of Demographic Displacement is the Fact that the Entire State of California (and many major immigrant destination cities across the USA) is now a “Sanctuary State”, which means that lobbyists for Illegal Aliens are quite happy to thumb their noses at Federal Law for the benefit of Non-Citizens. One cannot help but remember the dying words of Kate Steinle “Help me dad” who was killed by an Illegal Alien as have scores of others (see The Remembrance Project) who had been deported, but returned to the Sanctuary State.

Bottom line: Native-Born & Immigrant Citizens are losing Political Power, Assets (e.g., Wealth Transfers via Taxes) and Legal and Personal Safety and Environmental Protections as a result of their Demographic Displacement.

Good News: We can stop, and to an extent reverse these Trends IF we All Act Together NOW.... When the House of Representatives “Flips” January 3, it will likely be Too Late!!!

Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, welfare or indeed any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.

IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION IS BEING CONSIDERED NOW! And January 2 is the Deadline to pass a Budget and fund The Wall via the Lame Duck Congress. The new Congress to be seated January 3 will be much less likely to enact Immigration reduction.

It is highly likely that a Bill funding The Wall will contain other Immigration Reduction Provisions! So, we must ACT NOW! Emphasize that a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration would save Taxpayers nearly $One-Half Trillion in the next Decade. See the Net Costs of Legal Immigration study at Carrying Capacity Network.

So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Senators and demand funding for The Wall, an end to Catch and Release and Chain Migration and Anchor Baby citizenship, implementation of e-Verify, and above all, enactment of an all-Categories-included Zero-NET MORATORIUM (i.e., where Immigration equals Emigration) Legal Immigration!

And please help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS and contact Media and Congress to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included Zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives!

TO MAXIMIZE BALANCE's CLOUT PLEASE DONATE NOW! by Credit Card on our website: BALANCE or by check to: Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

Indeed, such Refusal is counterproductive to genuine Immigration Reduction Efforts because these Main Management Groups advocate positions which ensure unending Mass Immigration.

The Next Few Days are Critical!

And please support our Crowd-Funding effort at Mass Immigration Hurts Environment.

But Most Important, Contact & Re-Contact your Senators today!

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance
Population Environment Balance on BlogSpot
Population Environment Balance on Wordpress
Population Environment Balance

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance

Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.

Monday, December 10, 2018




In the USA, over 63% of Non-Citizen-headed Households (i.e., by Green Card Holders, Temporary Workers & Illegal Aliens)  use one or More Welfare Programs, according to the Center for Immigration Studies' [CIS] Analysis of U.S. Census Data.

For example, 429,000 Annual Immigrant Births Cost Taxpayers $5.3 Billion. 

Specifically, 1 in 5 births in the U.S. are to Immigrant Mothers. U.S. Taxpayers pay for 67% of births to illegal immigrants, 47% of births to legal immigrants according to a new report  by CIS, S. Camarota, Director of Research, 10/9/18.

Illegal alien mothers who give birth in the United States score a "citizen child", an anchor that often results in immunity from deportation and also entitles them to participate in child-oriented welfare and bring relatives into the USA under the Chain Migration Provisions of current law.

In High-Immigrant Destination States like California (receiving 400,000 Legal Immigrants per Year) the Number and rate of using welfare is higher than the national average — 72% in California, and  70% in Texas. And other negative consequences of allowing this Mass immigration are clear — intensifying crowding of means of transportation, unaffordable housing for low and middle income citizens (some of whom are living under bridges), drawdowns of  water aquifers far in excess of recharge rates in Agricultural areas,  and the use of "Toilet to Tap" water in Orange and other counties in California. 

Large Majorities of Non-Citizen Welfare Users are Legal Immigrants.  Nearly two-thirds of the Annual 1.5 to 1.6 Million Legal Immigrant Cohort use Welfare. Even ten years after arrival in the United States, the majority continue to participate in one or more welfare programs.

Thus, it should be no surprise that LEGAL Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion per year NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay). That is over $6 Billion per Week (and over $1,000/year in tax for each U.S. Taxpayer) and this does Not include State and Local Costs.  See the Net Costs of Legal Immigration study at Carrying Capacity Network.

Adding insult to injury, if current LEGAL immigration Trends continue, Native Born U.S. Citizens are headed toward Demographic Minority Status in Major Receiving States. This Demographic Trend toward Minority Status for Native-Born Citizens is already evident in Key Counties in these Major Receiving States, from a variety of indicators.  Orange County, California — long known for its Conservative leanings — just had all of its Congressional Seats Flip from Conservative Republican to Leftist Democrat mainly as a result from dramatic recent increases in immigrant residents.
Immigrants' demographic ascendancy is making itself felt in the policy arena in measures that favor their own ethnic group/s. For example, in California, illegal Immigrants - primarily Hispanic - have already been allowed to Vote in San Francisco Elections, and there is a push to make Illegals (already eligible for Drivers Licenses) Eligible for the Vastly Expensive Medicaid Healthcare Benefits. statewide.

But Perhaps the Best Evidence of Demographic Displacement is the Fact that the Entire State of California (and many major immigrant destination cities across the USA) is now a “Sanctuary State”, which means that lobbyists for Illegal Aliens are quite happy to thumb their noses at Federal Law for the benefit of Non-Citizens.  One cannot help but remember the dying words of Kate Steinle " Help me dad" who was killed by an Illegal Alien as have scores of others (see The Remembrance Project) who had been deported, but returned to the Sanctuary State.

Bottom line: Native-Born & Immigrant Citizens are losing Political Power, Assets (e.g., Wealth Transfers via Taxes) and Legal and Personal Safety and Environmental Protections as a result of their Demographic Displacement.

Good News: We can stop, and to an extent reverse these Trends IF we All Act Together NOW…. When the House of Representatives “Flips” in January it will likely be Too Late!!!

Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, welfare or indeed any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.

IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION IS BEING CONSIDERED NOW! And December 21st is the Deadline to pass a Budget and fund The Wall via the Lame Duck Congress.

It is highly likely that a Bill funding The Wall will contain other Immigration Provisions! So, we must ACT NOW! Emphasize that a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration would save Taxpayers nearly $One-Half Trillion in the next Decade. See the Net Costs of Legal Immigration study at Carrying Capacity Network.

So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Representatives and demand funding for The Wall, an end to Catch and Release and  Chain Migration and Anchor Baby citizenship, implementation of e-Verify, and above all, enactment of an all-Categories-included Zero-NET MORATORIUM Z(i.e., where Immigration equals Emigration) Legal Immigration!

And please help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS and contact Media and Congress to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included Zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives! 


Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

Indeed, such Refusal is counterproductive to genuine Immigration Reduction Efforts because these Main Management Groups advocate positions which ensure unending Mass Immigration.

BALANCE very much needs your Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY to intensify our push to end Mass Immigration now.

So Please DONATE NOW by credit card at our website: BALANCE or, to donate by check via U.S mail, please send to:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

And support our Crowd-Funding effort at Mass Immigration Hurts Environment.

The Next Few Days are Critical!

Thank you,

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance

Mailing address:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:

Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


“‘Alex Mensing, a U.S.-based organizer with the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which is providing humanitarian assistance to the migrants, said the size of the caravan has swelled to 10,000 people.’ [USA Today 10/25/18]

“In fact, it is families and children who benefit the most from those loopholes, as the White House has suggested. As a result, it notes:

“We have seen a record-shattering surge in the arrival of family units, with more than 161,000 family unit apprehensions and inadmissibles in fiscal year (FY) 2018.

“This historic surge was 42 percent higher than any previous year on record.

“In the last three months, family unit apprehensions made up the highest percentage of total apprehensions in history.

“Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors continue to stream across our borders.

“Unaccompanied minor apprehensions and inadmissibles totaled 58,660 in FY 2018, an increase of nearly 10,000, or approximately 20 percent, compared to FY 2017."

A. Arthur, via CIS, 10/26/18

But the foregoing just relates to family Units … the latest reports are that Fully 70% of the Caravan are young males (Fox News 10/31/18).


“The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to determine whether they have an inadmissible health condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has technical instructions for medical examination of prospective immigrants in their home countries before they are permitted to enter the U.S. …
“But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: ‘What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses.’ Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying  … infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.[Emphasis Added. Ed.]
“According to the CDC, … the number of cases of tuberculosis and the number of deaths caused by TB steadily declined during the 100 years prior to the mid-1980s. Since the ’80s, immigrants have reversed this downward trend …. The number of active TB cases among American-born citizens declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That was an 80 percent drop. Data reported to the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System show that the TB incidence among foreign-born people in the United States (15.1 cases per 100,000) is approximately 13 times the incidence among U.S.-born people (1.2 cases per 100,000). Those statistics refer to immigrants who are legally in the U.S. There is no way for us to know the incidence of tuberculosis and other diseases carried by those who are in our country illegally and hence not subject to medical examination. …[Emphasis Added. Ed.]
“This public health issue is ignored by all those Americans championing sanctuary cities. The public health issue is also ignored by Americans clamoring for open borders … in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when masses of European immigrants were trying to enter our country, those with dangerous diseases were turned back from Ellis Island. Americans hadn’t “progressed” to the point of thinking that anyone in the world has a legal right to live in America. Neither did they think that it was cruel or racist to take measures to prevent our fellow Americans from catching diseases from foreigners.
“But aside from diseases, there is the greater threat of welcoming to our shores people who have utter contempt for Western values and want to import anti-Western values to our country, such as genital mutilation, honor killings and the oppression of women. …

“The bottom line is that we Americans have a right to decide who enters our country and under what conditions. If we forgo that right, we cease to be a sovereign nation. But that may not be important to some Americans.”

“Immigrants and Disease,” Walter E. Williams, 08/29/2018 via

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate © 2018

Those who are campaigning for insurance protection for pre-existing health conditions are also enthusiastic about more and more immigration.  

What do they think will happen to Healthcare when the border is over-run with successive caravans of people who may (and often do) carry infectious diseases?


And the costs for each thousand members of the caravan who succeed in entering and remaining in the USA would be about $20 Million per thousand per year.   That is about $200 Million for each cohort of 10,000. []. See also,, NET Costs of Legal Immigration per year ($330 Billion).


As an example of how immigration affects Demographic Dynamics, the following are the figures for  Public school enrollment in California in 2016 which was over two thirds non-White with a Majority of those students coming from Immigrant backgrounds.

African American/Black
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Asian American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Public School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, California, 2016, via

BALANCE’s SOLUTION: The U.S.A. needs a zero–net (i.e., 150,000 per year arrivals and 150,000 per year leaving) Moratorium applying to all immigrant categories, a Wall at our Southern Border, mandating use of e-Verify in Hiring Decisions, elimination of anchor baby citizenship and an end to Catch & Release. 

Enactment of all these would reduce the 1.6 Million Annual flow of Legal Immigrants (400,000 annually into California alone – U.S. Census) and thus greatly reduce the Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Costs of Legal Immigration, now running at $330 BILLION per year.

Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.

IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION IS BEING CONSIDERED NOW! And December 7 is the Deadline to pass a Budget and fund The Wall.

It is highly likely that a Bill fully funding The Wall will contain other Immigration Provisions! So, we must ACT NOW! Emphasize that a Zero-Net Moratorium would save Taxpayers $One-Half Trillion in the next Decade. So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Representatives!

And please help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS and contact Media and Congress to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives!


Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

Indeed, such Refusal is counterproductive to genuine Immigration Reduction Efforts because the Main Management Groups advocate positions which ensure unending Mass Immigration.

BALANCE very much needs your Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY.

So Please DONATE NOW by credit card at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate by check via U.S mail, please send to:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

And support our Crowd-Funding effort at Mass Immigration Hurts Environment.

The Next Few Days are Critical!

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance

"When the population of a species grows beyond the capacity of its environment to sustain it, it reduces that capacity below the original level, ensuring an eventual population crash.

"Extinction is the most serious, utterly irreversible effect of unsustainable human population."

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance

Mailing address:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:

Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.

BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.

Friday, October 12, 2018

429,000 Annual Immigrant Births Cost Taxpayers $5.3 Billion

Massive and increasing costs to Taxpayers are incurred (now $330 Billion per year NET of Taxes Immigrants Pay) as each Birth Cohort Matures. Mass Immigration is Very Costly, but BALANCE has The Solution (see below).

Of the Many Costs of Mass Immigration borne by U.S. Taxpayers, the Costs of Immigrant Births alone (via Medicaid or the Uninsured) is remarkable. Specifically, 1 in 5 births in the U.S. are to Immigrant Mothers. U.S. Taxpayers pay for 67% of births to illegal immigrants, 47% of births to legal immigrants according to a new report  by CIS, S. Camarota, Director of Research, 10/9/18.

Based on an analysis of Census Bureau data, the Center estimates that nationally one in 13 births is to an illegal immigrant, totaling 300,000 births a year. One in eight births is to a legal immigrant. We also find that more than half of the births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are paid for by taxpayers, including 67 percent of births to illegal immigrants.

“Steven Camarota, the Center’s Director of Research and co-author of the report, said, ‘The enormous number of births to legal and illegal immigrants may hinder assimilation as children from immigrant families will largely interact with only each other.”  He also points out that “paying for so many births to immigrant mothers may be appropriate, but the large share who can’t provide for themselves without the help of American taxpayers raises serious questions about whether our current immigration system makes sense.’…

Given that Demography is Destiny, consider that since the aforementioned Facts are for one year only, what the costs and demographic consequences will be for each year projected into the future unless BALANCE’s Solution is implemented. Consider further that Taxpayer- and Immigrant-Funded Immigrant Births Total 791,000 per year.

National Picture from CIS Report:
·         …That legal immigrants accounted for 12.4 percent (494,000) of all births annually and illegal immigrants accounted for 7.5 percent (297,000) annually.
·         The 297,000 births per year to illegal immigrants are more than the total number of births to all mothers in any state except California and Texas. They are also more than the total number of births in 16 states combined, plus the District of Columbia.
·         The estimated 28,000 births to illegal immigrants in just the Los Angles metro area are more than the total number of births in any of 14 states or the District of Columbia. 
·         More than half (54 percent) of births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are entirely or largely paid for by taxpayers because the mother is on Medicaid or uninsured…
·         Illegal immigrants account for 11 percent (198,000) of all publicly funded births, and legal immigrants are another 13 percent (231,000). [Emphasis added]
·         We roughly estimate that the annual cost to taxpayers for births to immigrants (legal and illegal) is $5.3 billion — $2.4 billion of which is for illegal immigrants.
·         In California, New Jersey, and New York, immigrants (legal and illegal) account for about one-third of all births. In Massachusetts, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington, immigrants account for one in four births. Immigrants account for one in five births in Virginia, Connecticut, Illinois, Arizona, Rhode Island, and Oregon.
·         The states with the largest numbers of births to illegal immigrants are California with 65,000, Texas with 51,000, Florida with 16,000, Illinois with 14,000, Georgia with 13,000, New York with 12,000, and New Jersey and North Carolina with 11,000 each….
·         In North Carolina, Texas, and Georgia, three-fourth of births to illegal immigrants were likely paid for by taxpayers. In California, Florida, and New York, two-thirds of these births were likely taxpayer-funded. In Illinois and New Jersey, more than half were likely funded by the public.”

BALANCE’s Solution: The U.S.A. needs a zero–net (i.e., 150,000 per year arrivals and 150,000 per year leaving) Moratorium applying to all immigrant categories, a Wall at our Southern Border, mandating use of eVerify in Hiring Decisions, elimination of anchor baby citizenship and an end to Catch & Release.

Enactment of all these would reduce the 1.6 Million Annual flow of Legal Immigrants (400,000 annually into California alone – U.S. Census) and thus greatly reduce the Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Costs of Legal Immigration, now running at $330 BILLION per year.

Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.

IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION IS BEING CONSIDERED NOW! And December 7 is the Deadline to pass a Budget and fund The Wall.

It is highly likely that a Bill fully funding The Wall will contain other Immigration Provisions! So, we must ACT NOW! Emphasize that a Zero-Net Moratorium would save Taxpayers $One-Half Trillion in the next Decade. So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Representatives!

And please help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS and contact Media and Congress to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives!


Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

Indeed, such Refusal is counterproductive to genuine Immigration Reduction Efforts because the Main Management Groups advocate positions which ensure unending Mass Immigration.

BALANCE very much needs your Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY.
So Please DONATE NOW by credit card at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate by check via U.S mail, please send to:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

And support our Crowd-Funding effort at Mass Immigration Hurts Environment.

The Next Few Days are Critical!

Thank you,

"When the population of a species grows beyond the capacity of its environment to sustain it, it reduces that capacity below the original level, ensuring an eventual population crash.

"Extinction is the most serious, utterly irreversible effect of unsustainable human population."

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance

Mailing address:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:

Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.