Pressure Intensifying to Migrate to USA!!
BALANCE Has The Solution to Stop Mass Immigration!!!!
Will Demography be Destiny? Consider
the Population Reference Bureau [PRB] Projection:
“The world population will reach 9.9 billion by
2050, up 2.3 billion or 29 percent from an estimated 7.6 billion
people now, according to projections by Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
included in the 2018 World
Population Data Sheet….
“Among the population
projections included in the 2018 Data Sheet:
The population of 26 countries,
nearly all in Africa, will at least double. Niger in West Africa will see
its population nearly triple….
The population of the United States
will reach 390 million, up from 328 million in 2018. [Up
to 90% of the Increase is projected to come from Immigration and the children
of recent immigrants. Ed.]
China’s population will decrease by
about 50 million from its current size to 1.34 billion. [The Decrease resulted from years of “one Child per Family”
policy—But because this policy was recently Terminated, we expect a renewed
surge in China’s Population. Ed.] India is on trend to
supplant China as the world’s most populous country with 1.68 billion people.
Nigeria will become the third most
populous country as its population rises to 411 million, up 109 percent from 2018. Nigeria is currently the seventh most
populous country.
BALANCE does not put much stock in the
PRB projection that world population will ever reach
over 9 billion. A projection is not a prediction; it’s just a
statistical exercise in carrying current trends into the future.
That said, one projection is
especially concerning — that the USA’s population is on trend to grow by 62
Million in a mere 32 years, with virtually all of that growth coming from
immigration (at least ¾ of which currently is legal immigration).
Also of Great Concern are the Trends
from already overpopulated Nations, which will increase the efforts of their
citizens to escape to the USA.
For example, the fastest growth is in
various African countries. That growth depends on the rest of the world’s
willingness to rescue Africa from the famines and epidemics that are being
brought on by that regions own explosive population growth. How long will
the rest of the world (and especially the USA) be willing to share their own
dwindling resources to the extent required for repeated rescues and increasing
In this connection, it is important to
recall the studies by Dr. Anne Brittain, which demonstrate that liberal
immigration policies of countries like the USA actually increase birth rates in
sending countries, and thus exacerbate their Overpopulation Problems, as well
as the USA's.
Thus it is absolutely critical for the
future environmental and economic health of the USA that we dramatically reduce
legal immigration — now running at about 1.6 Million per Year — by enacting an
all-categories included Zero Net MORATORIUM.
By Zero Net Moratorium, BALANCE means
that the same number would be admitted each year as the number which
voluntarily leave — about 150,000 per year. Limiting Immigration to that annual
number would dramatically reduce the very substantial environmental and
economic costs
Consider this summary of Environmental
and Economic Costs:
Background: world population increases by about 80 million/year. The
population carrying capacity has already been exceeded in many parts of the
world, as shown by mass poverty, environmental degradation, and civil
Pressure to come to USA will only increase—1.6 Million Legal
Immigrants settle in the U.S.A. every year: Indeed the Average since 2005 is
1.6-1.7 Million Annually
o California e.g. receives 400,000 legal
immigrants per year! (U. S. Census)
“For every Person added to U.S. (or
California's) Population, one Acre of precious Farmland or Natural Habitat is
lost to Developed Uses” (e.g., Malls, Urban Sprawl, Tract Housing) (Pimentel et
al, Cornell).
United States “Top 10 U.S.
Endangered Species”, Center for Biological Diversity: As the human
population grows we are crowding out, poisoning and eating all other species
into extinction. With the world population hitting 7.6 billion, the Center is
marking this milestone by releasing a list of species in the United States
facing extinction caused by the growing human population. The 10 species
represent a range of geography, as well as species diversity—but all are
critically threatened by the effects of human population. Some, like the
Florida panther and Mississippi gopher frog, are rapidly losing habitat as the
human population expands. Others are seeing their habitat dangerously
altered—like the small flowering sandplain gerardia in New England—or, like the
bluefin tuna, are buckling under the weight of massive overfishing. (Control of
Fisheries is one reason China is creating Militarized Islands to control the
South China Sea.)
U.S. Taxpayers Costs—$330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after
subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) from legal immigration alone,
i.e., $3.3 TRILLION prospectively for the next Decade (see full study of NET
Costs at Does NOT include Net COSTS to States and
Localities = $758 MILLION per Year for Each Congressional District. That is, it
costs on average $1000 per person in Federal Taxes per year! 62% of Costs for
“free” (i.e., U.S. Taxpayer-funded) Health Care, & Welfare [The Numbers of
Illegal Immigrants are about one fourth that of legal and generate about
one-fourth the costs.]
Professor Computer Science, U.C.
Davis, Norm Matloff Blog “Vast Majority of H1B and related visa hires are Cheap
Labor Hires”, i.e., there are American Workers who would do those jobs.
Confirmed by Williams / CCN Study—5.9
Population Growth usually
increases Aggregate GDP but ALWAYS DECREASES PER
CAPITA GDP—the True Test of Nations’ Wealth.
Compare Bangladesh and New Zealand
with same size GDP BUT Bangladesh has 4 times the Population and thus is much
poorer per capita.
The inverse relationship between
population growth and individual wealth is seen in the U.S. Since the
Clinton Administration, an additional 44 million immigrants has arrived in the
U.S. and the U.S. per Capita GDP has declined since the Clinton administration
study at].
“Help me, Dad.” Kate Steinle’s dying words
impel all of us to redouble our efforts to oppose Sanctuary Cities, Reduce
Legal and Stop Illegal Immigration with inter alia a Wall. The Boston Bombers,
San Bernardino Shooters and ISIS Truck Driver who ran down Pedestrians and
Cyclists in New York City were all Legal Immigrants!
Solution: The U.S.A. needs a zero–net
Moratorium applying to all immigrant categories, i.e., 150,000/year arrivals
and 150,000/year leaving.
ACTIVISTS to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included
zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives!
CONSIDERED NOW! And September 30 is the Deadline to pass a Budget. Emphasize
that a Zero-Net Moratorium would save $$One-Half Trillion in the next Decade.
So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Representatives!
BALANCE very much needs you to make a
Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its
Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for
reduction in immigration number than Donations to Mass Immigration Management
Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net
So Please DONATE NOW by credit card at
our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate by check via U.S mail, please send to:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA
Or support our CrowdFunding effort at Mass
Immigration Hurts Environment.
The Next Few Days are Critical!
Thank you,
Population-Environment Balance
"When the population of a species grows beyond the capacity
of its environment to sustain it, it reduces that capacity below the original
level, ensuring an eventual population crash.
"Extinction is the most serious, utterly irreversible effect
of unsustainable human population."
Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons
and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance
Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006
BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing
information regarding the
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.