Tuesday, December 26, 2017



The next few weeks provide the Best (& likely Last?!) Opportunity to Achieve U.S. Population Stabilization and Sustainable Environmental Protection since BALANCE was founded 45 years ago, However, thousands of activists led by BALANCE activists are needed to push Congress to cooperate by implementing The Only Strategy for Success.

“Help me, Dad.” Kate Steinle’s dying words and the Deaths of Hundreds of others remind us of the importance of intensifying our effort.

The Only Strategy is simple. Inform your Representatives of The Facts and provide them with and push for The Solution described below. So first, The Facts:

The Economic Environment

Legal Immigration is very costly—$330 Billion per year NET (after taxes Immigrants Pay) or $3.3Trillion for 10 years in Federal taxpayer Costs alone to support the 1.5 Million Annual Legal Immigrant Flow! (J. Williams, CCN/Shadowstats.com). We must reduce Legal Immigration to Reduce the Deficit.

— A substantial majority of Legal and Illegal Immigrants have low education levels. The  average newcomer from Central America has less than an eighth grade education. And if 10 Million Illegals alone were Amnestied, the NET cost to Taxpayers would be $1.29 TRILLION or about $15,000 including State and Locals Costs for each and every Household in the USA! (R. Rector—National Academy of Sciences, November 2016). This study also found no evidence that low-skill workers are a net economic benefit.)

The Personal Safety Environment

— Over 90,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens were released into U.S. Communities in 2015 alone! (DHS data)into the relatively Safe (for them!) Environments of “Sanctuary Cities”!

“Help me, Dad.” Kate Steinle’s dying words impel all of us to redouble our efforts to oppose Sanctuary Cities, Reduce Legal and Stop Illegal Immigration. The Boston Bombers, San Bernardino Shooters and ISIS Truck Driver who ran down Pedestrians and Cyclists in New York City recently were all Legal Immigrants!

The Employment Environment

— During the Obama Years Immigrant Employment has risen 4.3 times faster than Native-born employment, and large companies like Disney and Abbott Labs have laid off American workers so they can hire cheaper foreign labor under the H1b program, while typically requiring American workers to train their replacements as a condition to receiving their Severance packages (Rubenstein, vDare.com)

The Natural Environment

— And the USA's long-term sustainability is being seriously damaged by the Mass Immigration of about 1.5 Million Legal and hundreds of thousands of Illegals every year. We reiterate that for every person added to the U.S. Population, one acre of Wildlife Habitat or Prime Farmland is converted to developed uses (Pimentel et. al. Cornell)

— The USA is paving the world's Breadbasket (i.e., the USA) at a rate of 39,000 square miles (25 Million Acres) every 15 years! Periodically Drought stricken California alone receives 400,000 Legal Immigrants per year who consume an ADDITIONAL Million Acre-feet of water per year, water that could be used for water-short California Agriculture! And this inflow exacerbates California’s housing, budget and transportation crises. Do the Major Urban Areas across the USA really need increasing demand for housing and more vehicles on the roads?!

— Mass Immigration constitutes about 90% of U.S. Population Growth, and since the World's population increases by about 80 Million/Year the pressure to come to the USA will only increase. We must stop Mass Immigration to protect our environment long-term.


The RAISE Act S354 (Cotton R-AR, Perdue R-GA) is a Good Bill But contains Three Serious Flaws.

It would:

¾    Reduce Legal Immigration by at least half to about 500,000 per year

¾    Require that Legal Immigrants speak English

¾    Require that Legal Immigrants NOT receive Welfare for 5 Years

¾    Limit "Refugees" to 50,000 per year

¾    End the Visa Lottery, and, above all…

¾    Reduce Chain Migration from appx 480,000 per year to appx.  88,000 per year by limiting family- sponsored Immigrants to spouses and minor children of US Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents.

It is Seriously flawed because:

1)      It would still allow over half a million Legal Entrants annually and thus Validates a continuation of Mass Immigration ad Infinitumclearly Not Sustainable.

2)      By adopting a piecemeal Multi-Category approach is extremely vulnerable to Many Weakening Amendments

3)      It fails to push an all-categories-included 150,000 CAP.  BALANCE’s Push for a Zero-Net Moratorium would not only impose such a CAP but it also maximizes Political Pressure to get Reductions. The RAISE Act  Fails this Test

And, one of the RAISE Bill's alleged strong points, the Merits-based system for admitting skilled workers (H1bs) is well-intentioned but would allow far too many admissions. It is based on flawed data that American workers to not have the necessary skills, it lends itself to “gaming”, and would result in continuing job loss and wage depression among American workers.

¾    The Bill also would allow admission of too many “Refugees” (what about addressing the Needs of the USA’s hundreds of thousands of homeless first?) and allows  H2b low skilled workers, many of whose prospective jobs should either go to Americans or are, in any case, disappearing because of automation.


Indeed, ONLY ONE STRATEGY maximizes political pressure to achieve dramatic Reductions in Immigration, including the RAISE Act, ONLY BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies push this Strategy—push a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration and bring Illegal Immigration to a Halt!

Pushing a Zero-Net Moratorium (which would still allow Legal Immigration of 150,000 per Year because Immigration would then equal Emigration) is key as an objective because it is reasonable and Essential for long-term Environmental and Personal Protection and for providing Sufficient Resources, INCLUDING WATER and FOOD and Money, for survival. Today, we are in the process of exceeding our long-term Carrying Capacity.

In sum, a Zero-Net Moratorium is The Necessary Condition for achieving U.S. Population Stabilization, long term Environmental Protection, Budgetary Solvency in State and Local Government (especially for our Health Care and Educational Institutions), Tax Reduction, Unemployment Reduction, Social and Cultural Cohesion and Personal Safety ... and for protection of our Food and Water Supplies!

Only our Massive Grassroots Effort can Succeed! Phone Calls or Office Visits followed by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax machines can be turned off). And please consider that BALANCE is greatly outspent by the Cheap Labor Lobby and various Ethnic Power Lobbies.

So Please Help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS to Intensify our push for the aforementioned ASAP! Coalition Initiatives, TODAY, NOW!

BALANCE very much needs you to make a Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups.

So Please DONATE NOW at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate via U.S mail, please send to: Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

The Next Few Weeks are Critical!

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons

Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.

BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.

Friday, November 24, 2017


—A Great (Last?) Opportunity to Reduce Immigration & Make a Giant Step Toward U.S. Population Stabilization & Environmental Protection

“Open Borders? No!...It would make everybody in America Poorer—You’re doing away with the Concept of a Nation State.”

Bernie Sanders, 7/28/15
Vox/Ezra Klein Interview

Indeed, the Fact that NET LEGAL IMMIGRATION COST TO U.S. TAXPAYERS is $330 Billion per Year and $$3.3 Trillion NET for the next ten years if the Inflow is not Cut provides the Great (Last?) Opportunity to Reduce Legal Immigration of 1.5 Million per year and preserve our environment!

Immigration and the children born to recent immigrants account for 80 to 90 percent of US population growth. The just released “Net Costs of Legal Immigration” Study commissioned by our ASAP! Coalition Ally, Carrying Capacity Network and conducted by Noted Economist, John Williams***, not only shows that Legal Immigration alone costs Federal Taxpayers $330 Billion NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants Pay) per year!, but it also shows that Mass Immigration would cost $3.3 Trillion! in the coming decade if the flow is not Reduced. And this does NOT include Costs of Illegal Immigration or State and Local Costs. 
Going forward, immigration limited to the number which allows the US population to eventually stabilize — 150,000 per year (appx same # of emigrants as immigrants) which would only be achieved by a Zero-Net Moratorium on legal immigration — is BALANCE’s Goal and in the best interest of the U.S.A. and its citizens.
Indeed, THE ONLY WAY to Achieve U.S. Population stabilization is through a zero-net Moratorium in which all Categories of Immigration are counted under an all-inclusive Cap of 150,000 per year. That is what BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies Advocate. Thus ASAP! Coalition Allies are Genuine Immigration Reduction Groups. The 150,000 per year CAP is essential to maintaining environmental protection, prosperity per capita, quality of life, personal and public safety, National Cohesion and the freedoms we have enjoyed.
Regarding Environmental Protection, we reiterate: For every person added to the U.S. Population, one Acre of Prime Farmland or Natural Habitat is converted to Developed uses (Pimentel et al, Cornell).
Since 1940, world population has grown from approximately 2 billion to 7.5 billion today and is growing at 80 Million per year.  The US population has grown from the 135 million with which we fought and won World War II to approximately 350 million today. The Earth is round and finite. Its resources and US resources cannot support unlimited numbers of people, It has a limited carrying capacity, in other words so it follows that population growth must stop.  When and how? Studies by Dr. Anne Brittain and others show that limiting immigration not only helps the U.S. move toward achieving Population Stabilization, but also drives down fertility rates in sending countries, to everyone’s benefit. And while Population Growth Often Increases Total GDP, it also always reduces Per Capita GDP. Thus all would benefit from U.S. Population Stabilization.

Consider, for example, the impact of Current legal immigration Inflow of 400,000 per year (U.S. Census) on California. It is absolutely unsustainable and not only from a fiscal perspective California is already exceeding its present and prospective potable water supplies; already-depleted underground aquifers will take decades to recharge and agriculture is suffering. And California loses tens of thousands of acres of precious farmland and natural habitat every year as that it is converted to developed uses. And the horrendous crowding on California freeways and in urban areas shows we are exceeding our carrying capacity. And should not California’s worsening housing shortage best be described as a population longage…with increasing numbers of families living homeless under freeways. Is not our first Moral Obligation to them?
And we emphasize that, NOW, is likely not only our last best Opportunity to save our Natural Environment but also our Personal Safety ENVIRONMENT and the safety of our loved ones!!! We reiterate, the ISIS Truck Driver who recently ran down Pedestrians and Cyclists in New York City was a LEGAL immigrant!!!

In sum, pushing for a Legal Immigration CAP of 150,000 per Year—Via the Zero-Net Moratorium is essential to achieving U.S. Population Stabilization and long-term Environmental Protection. Advocating for any higher level than that, as the Mass Immigration Management Groups do, is counterproductive because it assumes, and indeed validates, a continuation of Mass Immigration ad infinitum and thus creates virtually no political pressure for reductions.
Please distribute this to your friends who are genuinely interested in Environmental Protection and please Support BALANCE’s Efforts with a Tax-Deductible Donation Today at balance.org or, by check, to Population-Environment Balance, P O Box 268, San Francisco, CA 94104-0268


***Noted Economist W. John Williams, proprietor of Shadowstats.com, the USA’s leading Independent Analyst and Reporter of Accurate Statistics regarding the U.S. Economy and Employment, was commissioned by Carrying Capacity Network to study the NET Costs of Legal Immigration to Federal taxpayers. Fact Summary of the Net Costs Study.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The ONLY Way to Pass the RAISE & Other Immigration Reduction Acts

The RAISE Act S354 (Cotton R-AR, Perdue R-GA) is a Good Bill albeit not without flaws.

It would:

¾    Reduce Legal Immigration by at least half to about 500,000 per year
¾    Require that Legal Immigrants speak English
¾    Require that Legal Immigrants NOT receive Welfare for 5 Years
¾    Limit "Refugees" to 50,000 per year
¾    End the Visa Lottery, and, above all…
¾    Reduce Chain Migration from appx 480,000 per year to appx.  88,000 per year by limiting family- sponsored Immigrants to spouses and minor children of US Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents.

It is flawed because it lacks the commanding, coherent logic of the Bill that BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies propose, below and many of the RAISE Act’s NGO supporters lack a Strategy to actually get it passed, a Strategy which BALANCE also describes below.  

But specifically, one of the Bill's alleged strong points, the Merits-based system for admitting skilled workers (H1bs) is well-intentioned but would allow far too many admissions. It is based on flawed data that American workers to not have the necessary skills, it lends itself to “gaming”, and would result in continuing job loss and wage depression among American workers.

¾    The Bill also would allow admission of too many H2b low skilled workers, many of whose prospective jobs should either go to Americans or are, in any case, disappearing because of automation. Legitimate needs for Low-skilled workers could be fulfilled by a revival of the Bracero program.

Finally, the Bill does not adequately guard against Visa Over-stayers and others. And worst of all, by pushing for an annual level of 500,000 its supporters are pushing FOR a de facto continuation of Mass Immigration!! —a Level which is, in no way, acceptable for the medium or long run (see below).

But all in all, the RAISE Act would be an improvement over what we have now. However...


FORTUNATELY BALANCE & ITS ASAP COALITION ALLIES DO HAVE A STRATEGY WHICH WILL WORK IF ALL SUPPORTERS OF RAISE WILL BACK IT......The Strategy depends on information and logic: First, the NET costs of mass immigration to American tax-payers. And Second, the logic of carrying capacity, that every territory is limited om the long run by its resources, and that no territory can sustainably support an unlimited number of people.

Regarding the Logic of BALANCE's position, first consider excerpts from the article The ASAP! Coalition circulated a decade ago “The Only Way to Win the Immigration Reduction Battle,” by Selwyn Duke.   

The Only Way to Win the Immigration Battle
By Selwyn Duke

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's hard to think of a battle that has been won by being defensive. You may be most skilled at blocking and slipping punches, but if that is all you do, sooner or later your opponent will land a few and enjoy victory. This occurs to me as I watch the latest amnesty battle.

As you may know, the DREAM Act — the latest Scamnesty scheme — is being debated in Congress at this moment. And it may be the Mexican dream, but it's our nightmare. But that isn't what I want to address today. 

We may defeat this proposal as we did the last, but so what?
 Are you surprised? Do I sound overly cavalier or a tad defeatist? Here is my point: Until we transform this debate and talk about the true remedy for our problem — namely, halting legal immigration — we will labor in vain.

As I have said before, illegal immigration isn't the problem, but merely an exacerbation of the problem. As long as we perpetuate our current immigration scheme — a formula dictating that 85 percent of immigrants will hail from the Third World and Asia — the demographic revolution we have witnessed will continue, attended by descent into Third World status.

This is the third rail of the American immigration debate, the emperor-has-no-clothes-issue, the untouchable element. It gets at a truth that no one even dares contemplate because, by golly, we're a nation of immigrants. That is what we're told and it's not to be questioned; it is dogma. Why, I can almost hear Zero Mostel bellowing "Tradition!"

Then again, I can also hear that apocryphal saying: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

Advocating a moratorium on legal immigration would be a return to sanity that could turn the tide. We would finally be taking the offense and proposing a change in the traditionalist direction, as opposed to making proactivity the province of the left. We would finally be pushing back, demanding some of the adversary's territory instead of just defending ours. Of course, we do have one other choice.

Certain defeat.

We may end this bad DREAM, but the left will be back, maybe in a few months, maybe in a year. And then they will return again and again and again and again; they will continue to make their proposals and propagandize, cajole and coerce, until one of their nail-in-the-coffin laws passes. It's not a matter of if, only when; one of those big punches will eventually land. This is the consequence of being defensive.

Thus, proposing the elimination of immigration is not only the right thing, it's the only thing. The present course of action guarantees eventual defeat, as the traditionalist side gets worn down through constant attack and people become acclimated to the idea of scamnesty-by-another-name. But if we finally start making the proposals — if we finally say to the left, "No! You no longer drive the agenda, we have a say now" — we'll be pushing back. Then, at worst, maybe we will, to use apropos terminology, be in a Mexican stand-off. And then perhaps, just possibly, we will have the time to alter the American consciousness and muster up the popular will to save our republic.
It's push back or be pushed around.

End immigration now, before it ends us.


Selwyn Duke is a columnist, public speaker, and Internet entrepreneur whose work has been published widely online and in print. His articles appear at RenewAmerica, American Thinker, The Conservative Voice, and Blogcritics, as well as many other sites. He has been featured in The American Conservative co-founded by Pat Buchanan, on the Rush Limbaugh Show, and has a regular column in Christian Music Perspective. Selwyn can be reached at: letters@canadafreepress.com. 

Mr. Duke has been proven right, of course, and his call for pushing a Moratorium as an Essential Effective Strategy as well as an Excellent Public Policy, has more recently been echoed by Noted Leaders on the issue.

Indeed, two Decades ago BALANCE and the 46 other Organizational Members of the ASAP! Coalition laid out The Strategy for Achieving Substantial Immigration Reduction. These Organizations all agreed on the following 4 Point Program:

          #1  Immigration  Moratorium                                 

ASAP Supports immediate enactment of a zero-net immigration moratorium with an all-inclusive, firm cap of 150,000 immigrants (including refugees and Asylees) per year.  

#2  No More Amnesties

ASAP opposes any more amnesties granting legal status or citizenship or Extended Voluntary Departure to illegal aliens. Amnesties reward illegal behavior...

#3  Enforce Immigration Laws

Existing laws requiring apprehension and deportation of all illegal aliens in the U.S. must be enforced. Officials failing to enforce our laws must be replaced.

#4  No Citizenship for Illegal Aliens’ Offspring

Offspring of illegal aliens should not be granted automatic U.S. citizenship. A misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment leads to granting citizenship to anyone born here.  A reading of congressional debate as this Amendment was being considered shows that the clause, "and under the jurisdiction thereof...," shows that this stipulation must be given equal weight with all other language in the Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment does not guarantee citizenship to offspring of illegal aliens.

A zero-net all-inclusive MORATORIUM was and is the First Priority because it communicates the Necessity of stopping Mass Immigration altogether and maximizes Political leverage as well.

Amazingly, a couple of self-styled Immigration Reduction Groups (de facto Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups) refused then and STILL REFUSE to Adopt The ASAP! Coalition’s Strategy.  Believe it or Not, as Ripley would say.

And even more Amazing is that the “strategy” these MANAGEMENT Groups did adopt was and still is Counterproductive (Yes, COUNTERproductive!!) as we shall explain, and has therefore undermined the ASAP! Coalition’s otherwise unified Coalition, and helped suffocate any chances for immigration reduction for two decades.

Is it too much to hope that the utter Failure of their "Strategy" to achieve Substantial Reductions for over two decades will encourage them as a FIRST PRIORITY to join ASAP! and push  ALL the Key Points of ASAP!’s 4 Point Program including especially the MORATORIUM, which these immigration-MANAGEMENT groups have in the last 20 years failed to do.  They are hereby invited, again, to join.  Shall we hold our breath?!

Indeed, the next few Months of The Trump Administration may well be our LAST BEST CHANCE (Hello Management Groups, are you listening?!!) to get substantial reductions. And here’s how specifically...

Supporting Good Bills and Actions such as the following eight is important.  But pushing those Bills/Actions ALONE has often been proven to be futile, and will likely continue to be, unless also COUPLED WITH PUSHING A ZERO-NET ALL-INCLUSIVE MORATORIUM AS FIRST PRIORITY!!

That said, BALANCE supports:

·         Senator Cotton's RAISE Act
·         Rep. Brian Babin’s Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act (HR 82) to enforce the Deportation of the 820,000 Criminal Aliens which Obama released into American communities.
·         Rep Barletta’s bill to Defund Sanctuary Cities (HR 83).
·         Rep. King’s Birthright Citizenship Act (HR 140) to end Birthright Citizenship and defeat the Anchor Baby Tactic.
·         Rep. Culberson’s bill, HR 546 which requires the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement “to obtain the approval of the Governor of a State before placing or resettling a refugee” with the State.
·         S179 Grassley (R-IA) Mandatory e-Verify Mandatory so employers can be sure they are hiring only American workers.
·         Rep Goodlatte (R-VA) and nine cosponsors H.R. 3003  No Sanctuary for Criminals Act which would  deny federal grants to sanctuary jurisdictions, shield local law enforcement who cooperate with federal immigration detainers, and permit victims to sue for heinous harms caused by sanctuary policies.
·         Suspension of the UN/US Refugee Program (USRAP) until Congress has a chance to overhaul it.
·         We support these Bills/Actions and also reiterate that pushing any or all of these alone is NOT sufficient to get any of them enacted.

ONLY BALANCE and the ASAP! Coalition’s MORATORIUM Strategy below creates sufficient Political Pressure NOW to achieve Substantial Reductions in Legal Immigration?

Pushing a Zero-Net Moratorium, i.e., (inclusive of all immigrant categories) is key as an objective because it is reasonable and Essential for long-term Environmental and Personal Protection and for balanced Budgets, as well as for providing Sufficient Resources, INCLUDING WATER and FOOD and Money, for Personal and National survival. For every person added to the U.S. Population One Acre of Prime Farmland or Natural Habitat is converted to developed uses (Pimentel et al, Cornell).

The World's population increases by 80 Million per year, and the USA simply cannot accommodate all who wish to come.  Today, the USA is in the process of exceeding our long-term Carrying Capacity and deconstructing our Nation. (Hello, Management Groups!) We must Reverse Course NOW! Noted author, Ann Coulter, is correct—Only by enacting “a Moratorium” on Immigration can the USA survive (see Adios America!, A. Coulter).

In sum, a Zero-Net Moratorium is The Necessary Condition for achieving a Sustainable Future by promoting the goals of U.S. Population Stabilization, long-term Environmental Protection, Budgetary Solvency in State and Local Government (especially for our Health Care and Educational Institutions), Tax Reduction, Unemployment Reduction, Social and Cultural and Environmental Protection and Personal Safety and protection of our Food and Water Supplies as BALANCE has documented in its many Alerts!

Mass Immigration is thus NOT “Just about the Numbers” as one Immigration Management Group INCREDIBLY claims.  Indeed, their goal of reducing legal immigration to 500,000 per year not only will never achieve Population Stabilization or long-term Sustainability, nor will it stop Demographic Aggression (see BALANCE's recent Alert) nor will it stop  the Multi-Hundred Billion$$$ ANNUAL NET costs to Taxpayers. But one must say that their Ultra-Soft approach appeals to Funders who do not like to take Controversial Positions.

Worse, Management Groups’ Target of the RAISE Act's 500,000 per year is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because the message it sends is that Mass Immigration is OK if we just cut it in half.  Also, it is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because it loses the political Leverage to get lower numbers and good bills passed. Therefore, any Immigration “Reform” group which refuses to advocate an Immigration Moratorium cannot really be serious about reducing Immigration!  In fact it appears they are de facto at the "Beck" and call of the Open Borders lobby which wants to continue Mass Immigration.

Indeed, it is highly unlikely we will ever get Immigration Reduction unless all Major Reduction supporters push for a MORATORIUM.

Are these MANAGEMENT Groups Bona Fide Washington D.C. "Swamp Critters"?? :):):(:(

Well, BALANCE and our ASAP! Coalition Allies are no Swamp Critters!

WE ARE FACING A SERIES OF INTENSE BATTLES ON THESE ISSUES, beginning with the Great Budget Battle coming in September, 2017 and extending well into 2018.

The upcoming Budget Battle provides a Unique Opportunity to reduce Immigration because legal Immigration is so Costly, costing a NET several Hundred Billion$ per year (National Academy of Sciences Report – Rector et al). So PLEASE Help BALANCE Intensify our push for a Zero-Net Moratorium and the other Victory Initiative Positions NOW!

Certain Well-Funded Cheap Labor Advocates on the Right, and Ethnic Power and Government Benefits-Recipients and Power-seeking Marxists on the Left, are pushing hard for further Mass Illegal Alien Amnesties, AND FOR MASSIVE INCREASES IN H1B visas and LEGAL IMMIGRATION including Refugees and Asylees!

Only our focused Grassroots Effort can stop them! Phone Calls or Office Visits followed by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax machines can be turned off). And please consider that BALANCE is greatly outspent by the Cheap Labor Lobby and various Ethnic Power Lobbies.

So Please Help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS to Intensify our push for Zero-Net MORATORIUM, TODAY, NOW!

And whether or not you donated recently, NOW IS THE TIME TO DONATE FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT.

BALANCE very much needs you to make a Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout than Donations to Mass Immigration Management-only Groups. We reiterate, Refusal to Push a Moratorium and instead merely pushing for piecemeal Immigration Reductions can be Counterproductive because it sends the message that Mass Immigration itself is OK!

So Please DONATE at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate via U.S mail, please send to:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance
Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons

Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The ONLY Way to Win the Immigration Battle

Two Decades ago BALANCE and the 46 other Organizational Members of the ASAP! Coalition laid out The Strategy for Achieving Substantial Immigration Reduction. These Organizations all agreed on the following 4 Point Program:

#1  Immigration  Moratorium                                  
ASAP Supports immediate enactment of a  zero-net immigration moratorium with an all-inclusive, firm cap of 150,000 immigrants (including refugees and Asylees) per year.

#2  No More Amnesties
ASAP opposes any more amnesties granting legal status or citizenship or Extended Voluntary Departure to illegal aliens. Amnesties reward illegal behavior...

#3  Enforce Immigration Laws
Existing laws requiring apprehension and deportation of all illegal aliens in the U.S. must be enforced. Officials failing to enforce our laws must be replaced.

#4  No Citizenship for Illegal Aliens’ Offspring
Offspring of illegal aliens should not be granted automatic U.S. citizenship. A misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment leads to granting citizenship to anyone born here.  A reading of congressional debate as this Amendment was being considered shows that the clause, "and under the jurisdiction thereof...," shows that this stipulation must be given equal weight with all other language in the Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment does not guarantee citizenship to offspring of illegal aliens.

A zero-net MORATORIUM was and is the First Priority because it communicates the Necessity of stopping Mass Immigration altogether and maximizes Political leverage as well.

Amazingly, a couple of self-styled Immigration Reduction Groups (de facto Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups) refused then and still refuse to Adopt The ASAP! Coalition’s Strategy.  Believe it or Not as Ripley would say.

And even more Amazing is that the “strategy” these MANAGEMENT  Groups did adopt was and still is  Counterproductive (Yes, COUNTERproductive!!) as we shall explain, and has therefore undermined the ASAP! Coalition’s otherwise unified Coalition, and helped suffocate any chances for immigration reduction for two decades.

Is it too much to hope that the utter Failure of their "Strategy" to achieve Substantial Reductions for over two decades will encourage them as a FIRST PRIORITY to join ASAP! and push  ALL the Key Points of ASAP!’s 4 Point Program including especially the MORATORIUM, which these immigration-MANAGEMENT groups have in the last 20 years failed to do.  They are hereby invited, again, to join.  Shall we hold our breath?! Indeed, the next few Months of The Trump Administration may well be our LAST BEST CHANCE (Hello Management Groups, are you listening?!!) to get substantial reductions. And here’s how specifically...

Consider  excerpts from the article The ASAP! Coalition circulated a decade ago “The Only Way to Win the Immigration Reduction Battle,” by Selwyn Duke.

The Only Way to Win the Immigration Battle
By Selwyn Duke

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's hard to think of a battle that has been won by being defensive. You may be most skilled at blocking and slipping punches, but if that is all you do, sooner or later your opponent will land a few and enjoy victory. This occurs to me as I watch the latest amnesty battle.

As you may know, the DREAM Act — the latest Scamnesty scheme — is being debated in Congress at this moment. And it may be the Mexican dream, but it's our nightmare. But that isn't what I want to address today.

We may defeat this proposal as we did the last, but so what?

Are you surprised? Do I sound overly cavalier or a tad defeatist? Here is my point: Until we transform this debate and talk about the true remedy for our problem — namely, halting legal immigration — we will labor in vain.

As I have said before, illegal immigration isn't the problem, but merely an exacerbation of the problem. As long as we perpetuate our current immigration scheme — a formula dictating that 85 percent of immigrants will hail from the Third World and Asia — the demographic revolution we have witnessed will continue, attended by descent into Third World status.

This is the third rail of the American immigration debate, the emperor-has-no-clothes-issue, the untouchable element. It gets at a truth that no one even dares contemplate because, by golly, we're a nation of immigrants. That is what we're told and it's not to be questioned; it is dogma. Why, I can almost hear Zero Mostel bellowing "Tradition!"
Then again, I can also hear that apocryphal saying: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

Advocating a moratorium on legal immigration would be a return to sanity that could turn the tide. We would finally be taking the offense and proposing a change in the traditionalist direction, as opposed to making proactivity the province of the left. We would finally be pushing back, demanding some of the adversary's territory instead of just defending ours. Of course, we do have one other choice.

Certain defeat.

We may end this bad DREAM, but the left will be back, maybe in a few months, maybe in a year. And then they will return again and again and again and again; they will continue to make their proposals and propagandize, cajole and coerce, until one of their nail-in-the-coffin laws passes. It's not a matter of if, only when; one of those big punches will eventually land. This is the consequence of being defensive.

Thus, proposing the elimination of immigration is not only the right thing, it's the only thing. The present course of action guarantees eventual defeat, as the traditionalist side gets worn down through constant attack and people become acclimated to the idea of scamnesty-by-another-name. But if we finally start making the proposals — if we finally say to the left, "No! You no longer drive the agenda, we have a say now" — we'll be pushing back. Then, at worst, maybe we will, to use apropos terminology, be in a Mexican stand-off. And then perhaps, just possibly, we will have the time to alter the American consciousness and muster up the popular will to save our republic.
It's push back or be pushed around.

End immigration now, before it ends us.

Selwyn Duke is a columnist, public speaker, and Internet entrepreneur whose work has been published widely online and in print. His articles appear at RenewAmerica, American Thinker, The Conservative Voice, and Blogcritics, as well as many other sites. He has been featured in The American Conservative (Pat Buchanan's magazine), on the Rush Limbaugh Show, and has a regular column in Christian Music Perspective. Selwyn can be reached at: letters@canadafreepress.com

Mr. Duke has been proven right, of course, and his call for pushing a Moratorium as an Essential Effective Strategy as well as an Excellent Public Policy, has more recently been echoed by Noted Leaders on the issue.

Supporting Good Bills such as the following six is important.  But has often been proven to be futile, and will likely continue to be, unless also COUPLED WITH PUSHING A MORATORIUM AS FIRST PRIORITY!!

That said, BALANCE supports:

  • Rep. Brian Babin’s Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act (HR 82) to enforce the Deportation of the 820,000 Criminal Aliens which Obama released into American communities.
  • Rep Barletta’s bill to Defund Sanctuary Cities (HR 83),
  • Rep. King’s Birthright Citizenship Act (HR 140) to end Birthright Citizenship and defeat the Anchor Baby Tactic.
  • Rep. Culberson’s bill, HR 546 which requires the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement “to obtain the approval of the Governor of a State before placing or resettling a refugee” with the State.
  • S179 Grassley (R-IA) Mandatory e-Verify Mandatory so employers can be sure they are hiring only American workers.
  • Rep Goodlatte (R-Va) and nine cosponsors  H.R. 3003  No Sanctuary for Criminals Act which would  deny federal grants to sanctuary jurisdictions, shield local law enforcement who cooperate with federal immigration detainers, and permit victims to sue for heinous harms caused by sanctuary policies.
·         We support these Bills and also reiterate that pushing any or all of these alone is NOT sufficient to get any of them enacted.

ONLY BALANCE and the ASAP! Coalition’s MORATORIUM Strategy below creates sufficient Political Pressure NOW to achieve Substantial Reductions in Legal Immigration?


Pushing a Zero-Net Moratorium is key as an objective because it is reasonable and Essential for long-term Environmental and Personal Protection and for balanced Budgets, as well as for providing Sufficient Resources, INCLUDING WATER and FOOD and Money, for Personal and National survival.  The World's population increases by 80 Million/Year, and the USA simply can not accommodate all who wish to come.  Today, the USA is in the process of exceeding our long-term Carrying Capacity and deconstructing our Nation. (Hello Management Groups!) We must Reverse Course  NOW!

Noted author, Ann Coulter, is correct—Only by enacting “a Moratorium” on Immigration can the USA survive (see Adios America!, A. Coulter).

In sum, a Zero-Net Moratorium is The Necessary Condition for achieving a Sustainable Future by promoting the goals of U.S. Population Stabilization, long-term Environmental Protection, Budgetary Solvency in State and Local Government (especially for our Health Care and Educational Institutions), Tax Reduction, Unemployment Reduction, Social and Cultural and Environmental Protection and Personal Safety and  protection of our Food and Water Supplies!

Mass Immigration is thus NOT “Just about the Numbers” as one Immigration  Management Group INCREDIBLY claims.  Indeed, their goal of reducing legal immigration to 500,000 per year not only will never achieve Population Stabilization or long-term Sustainability, nor  will it stop Demographic Aggression (see BALANCE's recent Alert) nor will it stop  the multi-hundred Billion $$$ NET costs to Taxpayers..  [But one must say that their Ultra-Soft approach appeals to Funders who do not like to take Controversial Positions]

Worse, Management Groups’ Target of 500,000 per year is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because the message it sends is that Mass Immigration is OK if we just tweak it a little bit.  Also, it is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because it loses the political Leverage to get lower numbers and good bills passed. Therefore, any Immigration “Reform” group which refuses to advocate an Immigration Moratorium is not really serious about reducing Immigration!  In fact it appears they are de facto  at the "Beck" and call of the Open Borders lobby which wants to continue Mass Immigration.

Are these MANAGEMENT Groups Bona Fide Washington D.C. "Swamp Critters"?? :):)

Well, BALANCE and our ASAP! Coalition Allies are no Swamp Critters!
WE ARE FACING A SERIES OF INTENSE BATTLES ON THESE ISSUES, beginning with the Great Budget Battle coming in September, 2071 and extending well into 2018. So PLEASE Help BALANCE Intensify our push for a Zero-Net Moratorium and the other Victory Initiative Positions NOW!

Certain Well-Funded Cheap Labor Advocates on the Right, and Ethnic Power and Government Benefits-Recipients and Marxists on the Left, are pushing hard for further Mass Illegal Alien Amnesties, AND FOR MASSIVE INCREASES IN H1B visas and LEGAL IMMIGRATION including Refugees and Asylees!

Only our focused Grassroots Effort can stop them! Phone Calls or Office Visits followed by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax machines can be turned off). And please consider that BALANCE is greatly outspent by the Cheap Labor Lobby and various Ethnic Power Lobbies.

So Please Help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS to Intensify our push for Zero-Net Moratorium, TODAY, NOW!

And whether or not you Donated Recently, NOW IS THE TIME TO DONATE FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT.

BALANCE very much needs you to make a Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY. Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout than Donations to Mass Immigration Management-only Groups. (We reiterate, Refusal to Push a Moratorium and instead Merely pushing for piecemeal Immigration Reductions can be Counterproductive because it sends the message that Mass Immigration itself is OK!)

So Please DONATE at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate via U.S mail, please send to:

Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance
Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons

Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment including our National, Budgetary, and Personal Safety Environments, and Mobilizing Activists to effectively do something about it.