Monday, October 19, 2020

Immigration, the Environment & the Election


Immigration, the Environment & the Election

The fundamental fact is that for every person added to the U.S. population one acre of precious farmland (i.e., with rich topsoil) or natural habitat for wildlife, is converted to developed uses, de facto permanently (Pimentel, et. al. Cornell).  And as Dr. V. Abernethy and Dr. Anne Brattain’s Research has shown, reducing immigration into the USA reduces the fertility rates in the sending countries, thus reducing the over-population pressures on Wildlife in those countries.

Unchecked population growth and over-population are clearly negatives for environmental protection.

Population growth and density also have negative effects on our Public Health and Personal Safety Environments. 

Thus, it is no accident that New York City and Environs and other major population centers were Ground Zero of the Coronavirus in the USA.

New York City is the most Densely Populated City in the USA and is a Major Hub for International Travel and Destination for Immigrants. Consider:

“‘There is a strong correlation between the risk of pandemic and human population density. We’ve done the math and we’ve proved it,” said Dr. Peter Daszak, a disease ecologist and the president of Eco Health Alliance, who examined the link in a 2008 study published in the journal Nature…. Looking at contemporary outbreaks since the mid-20th century, Daszak and colleagues found that the emergent diseases caused by pathogens new to humans has increased significantly with time, even when controlling for progress in diagnosis techniques and surveillance ….”

“Pandemics, Population Growth, and Globalization,” Scientific American, via 04/11/2020

Many of the newly threatening pathogens emerge where exploding human populations have intruded on the habitat of non-human species. Separation that formerly characterized human/animal interactions shifts into more intimate contacts. The pathogens jump from animal to human. The intensity of travel and population mixing then spreads disease globally.

The foregoing are Key  Reasons BALANCE pushes for an all-categories included Zero-NET Moratorium LEGAL Immigration Policy (about 150,000 out thus 150,000 in per year) —a de facto Moratorium. That would reduce Legal Immigration into the USA, which is currently about 1.5 to 1.6 Million per year. That would reduce the USA’s and the World’s Population Growth Rate (Fertility rates in countries allowed to send immigrants to the USA elevate because of the Opportunities that Immigration provides to the Migrants to the USA and to their families in the home country).

Other benefits would accrue if a Moratorium were enacted because  a number of additional costs flow from continuing to allow Mass Immigration.

Costs: U.S. Taxpayers Pay $330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after subtracting taxes Immigrants pay) to pay for the federal costs of LEGAL Immigration alone (cf CCN Cost Study). That’s about $758 Million per Year Net (i.e., after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) per Congressional District for Health Care, Welfare, and many other Costs and does not include Net State and Local Costs.

So where do the Candidates stand on Immigration [Before answering that we must add that as a 501c3 Nonprofit BALANCE does NOT support or oppose candidates or parties,  but certainly can and does take a  position on their positions  on Key policy issues such as Immigration.  Therefore, consider:

This year: President Trump has ordered a Moratorium (albeit temporary) on admission of some Categories of  Immigrants, arguing, correctly, that Jobs and support should be reserved for the 30 Million+ unemployed Americans.

Unfortunately,  the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Team is pushing a de facto Open Borders Agenda. To help us stop it, See Below. Their Agenda would:

·         allow work permits for Illegal Aliens and Not Require the Use of E-Verify

·         allow Chain Migration and the Visa Lottery to Continue

·         not deter Border Surges or Asylum Abuse

·         cause American Taxpayers to continue to pay for Health Care, Welfare for a majority of Legal Immigrants and Illegal Aliens

·         continue to allow Mass Immigration which would force millions of unemployed Americans to compete with Immigrants for Jobs

Worse, the Addition of Harris to V.P. Biden’s Ticket will magnify the pressure both before (and after!?!) the November 3rd Election to Enact an Expanded Open Borders Agenda, which would increase legal immigration and eliminate immigration enforcement!

Consider Harris’s Record:

·         cosponsor of Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) Keep the STEM Talent Act which would exempt any foreign student who earned an advanced degree in a STEM major from any numerical limits. As CCN and other studies have shown, the USA does not need foreign STEM workers…they just displace qualified Americans

·         cosponsor of Senator Lee’s (R-UT) Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act which would eliminate per-country caps on employment Visas and thus greatly benefit Silicon Valley’s policy of Hiring Low Paid Indian Workers (No wonder Big Tech has taken a pro-Biden position via Censorship).

·         enact a Mass Amnesty of DACA Aliens and implement DAPA to protect DREAMERS and their parents and give Temporary Protected Status for some foreign nationals who are not yet in the country

·         enact Senator Feinstein’s S175 the Agricultural Worker Program Act which would give illegal Farm Workers Amnesty

·         Harris has consistently opposed efforts at Border and Interior Enforcement by, e.g., supporting Senator Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) S144 which would halt local law enforcement cooperation with ICE for enforcement purposes

·         and she has pushed to decriminalize illegal border crossings

Unfortunately, all the foregoing will add clout to the Open Borders Crowd, but with your help we can stop them again. By comparison, consider the Trump Administration’s Immigration Accomplishments:

·         Trump Bars Federal Contractors from Displacing American Workers with Foreign Guest workers

·         265 Miles of Border Wall System Completed

·         President Trump Marks the Construction of 200 Miles of Border Wall

·         Protecting American Workers, Halting Foreign Guest Worker Admissions

·         Continuing Progress on the Border Wall

·         Trump Imposes Anti-Coronavirus Travel Ban on China and Europe

·         Trumps Signs Coronavirus Relief Package Excluding Illegal Aliens

·         More Travel Restrictions on Iran

·         Trump Administration Takes Action Against Sanctuary Jurisdictions

·         Legal Immigration Reduced

·         Trump Blocks Travel to China to Stem COVID-19

·         Trump Administration Cracks Down on Birth Tourism

·         Southwest Border Apprehensions Decline for 8 Consecutive Months

·         Travel Ban Expanded to Six More Countries

Support BALANCE’s Activist Initiative for a Solution: BALANCE pushes a Zero-Net all-categories-included Moratorium on Legal Immigration which would still allow 150,000 inflow to match typical annual outflow. BALANCE is a genuine MASS Immigration Reduction Group (certain other National Groups not pushing a Moratorium are merely Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups, a position counterproductive to achieving any immigration reductions at all as we have repeatedly pointed out).

·         Most Important, Contact & Re-Contact your Senators and Representatives and the 2020 Candidates! and Media, and Influencers to oppose Senators Harris and Lee’s (R-UT) S386 and Senator Durbin’s (D-IL) RELIEF Act as well as the outrageous “New Way Forward Act”.

·         Above all, every organization and individual should contact Senators, Media and Influencers and push an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration and emphasize that it would remove the Legal Immigration Magnets (e.g., the uncapped Asylee Category) attracting ever more Illegal Aliens.

·         It is difficult if not impossible to stop most illegal immigrants unless one reduces the Magnet of Legal Immigration “Slots” such as the Uncapped Asylee Category.

·         And focus on Specifics, e.g., How can communities and the nation ever ameliorate our intensifying Homelessness Crisis OR our COVID Crisis, by annually welcoming in  1.5 Million Legal Immigrants per year with Taxpayer-funded Section 8 Housing, Health Care, Welfare and many other Benefits, PLUS Amnestying 1.5 Million Illegals, many of whom would be provided with Taxpayer-funded Housing Assistance, as H.R.5038 does?! Or HR 6 which would Amnesty (i.e., legalize) Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Aliens.

Please make a Tax-Deductible DONATION to BALANCE NOW to help Save our Environment and our Nation,  by Credit Card on our website: BALANCE or by check to: Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104 

Dollar for Dollar, Tax-Deductible Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create actual Political Clout for reduction in both Legal and Illegal immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.  Such Donations are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because they de facto endorse a continuing unsustainable Immigration Flow.

Help BALANCE intensify its Media, Public Education, Activist Mobilization and Lobbying Efforts with a Tax-Deductible Donation NOW.

Please forward this Alert to your friends who may be concerned about the Environment, the Budget and Personal & Health Safety. The World’s Wildlife, and your fellow Citizens will Thank You.

And we Thank you, 

Population-Environment Balance
Population-Environment Balance on ASAP-Coalition
Population Environment Balance on BlogSpot
Population Environment Balance on Wordpress 

Follow BALANCE on GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance and Twitter @PEnvirons

Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104 

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006 

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.

Population-Environment Balance is a national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to maintaining the quality of life in the United States through population stabilization.

BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal & Public Health Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Surmounting Mass Immigration’s Attack on Our Conservation Culture


BALANCE and our ASAP! Coalition Allies have documented the Immense Net Costs of Mass Legal Immigration, e.g. $758 Million per year NET (of Taxes immigrants pay) per Congressional District.

But perhaps an even greater “Cost”, not publicized until this Alert, is Mass Legal Immigration’s Cost to the USA’s Environmental Preservation Culture. 

Americans value the natural environment to a degree unknown in much of the world.  We value open space, wilderness, clean air and water, and healthfulness. In part, this reverence for the environment is learned, and in part the opportunity for reformation and conservation is an unearned blessing; one that should not be squandered. 

The East had its fling with deforestation, which resulted in most of its lands becoming devoid of ancient timber. In the 1870s, the US faced a fuel-wood and timber shortage. The Southwest had its time of plowing land that should forever have remained grassland.  Time, drought, and wind punished these transgressions (cf, e.g., the Dust Bowl of the 1930s — resulting in the Migration of Many Oklahomans to California causing Oklahoma Cherokee  Genius, Will Rogers, to comment “It raised the IQ in both states”!), and Americans learned. The generational process that resulted in a conservation ethic cannot be taught overnight. 

In the U.S., the conservation ethic was painfully learned. The good fortune of rich resources and a lightly populated country — we fought and won World War II with 135 million people — gave Americans a second chance. We could restore and conserve, and we did!  What Americans learned cannot be conveyed overnight to those coming into this country from vastly different cultures. 

Consider the Chinese land shortage of generations — described as China’s “Population longage”.  Tilling or building lot line to lot line is ingrained behavior, remarked upon by longtime Vancouver residents for example, where recent Chinese immigrants have replaced well-shaded Victorian houses with brick and stone concrete mansions. 

And similarly, the Egyptian experience where feuds over the ditch-land that separates two or three acre tilled plots can become generational. Newcomers bring with them  images of crowding and degradation, leading them to see relatively open United States acres as virgin land ripe for exploitation. 

We Americans know that exploitation to the hilt has been tried here and that the plenty available in fallow or second growth land is an illusion. Valued species inhabit every inch. Unspoiled watersheds collect valuable fresh, clean water.  Nothing is truly unused. 

Indeed, for ever person added to the U.S. population, One Acre of Farm land or natural habitat is converted to developed uses — Pimental et al, Cornell — yet Mass Legal Immigration has added about 1.5 to 1.6 Million Persons annually to the U.S. Population. 

The UN, and immigrants wanting to enter the US, see open land.  We Americans see all land as used and serving utilitarian and/or valued conservation purposes.  We cannot afford immigrants who think the US has space aplenty. 

The USA has suffered from exploitation, land and resource degradation. We have been fortunate in the opportunity to draw back from over-exploitation, and thus we have learned to invest, save, and treasure our natural resources. 

The culture of conservation which is ours, being hard-won, must be treasured and itself protected. Mass immigration overwhelms not only land but also values. Conservation Culture is a national treasure; it is ours to be conserved, nourished, and valued as the gem that it is. Mass immigration changes and fractures culture in many ways.  It cannot be condoned.

Discouragingly, among Mass Immigrations’ proponents are leading “Environmental” groups which attempt to justify their continuing support for more and more immigration (e.g., the Sierra Club’s support of “protecting undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation” and expanding the DACA program.) BALANCE has long understood that amnesties are a magnet for Illegal Immigration, and that DACA encourages sometimes-criminal use of children as “Admission Tickets”, and that Mass Immigration has seriously negative effects on the environment, [cf Pimental et al].

And then there are the Marxists (whose Goal is the Destruction of the Traditional America in every respect). Witness their attack on and destruction of the statues of virtually every person important to the History of the USA via their Antifa organization. Antifa claims that Conservationists John Muir and Galen Powell were “racist”; so their names, likenesses and statues should be erased, defaced, and obliterated.

The Pressure which Mass Immigration and its Enablers have increasingly put on American Traditions, including the Conservation Traditions, has been enabled by an Ideological Assault on the USA’s Traditional Values. For example, The Far Left pushing the Concept of “White Privilege” in reality sends the Message that the holders of Traditional Values should feel guilty about their achievements, their Assets and such power as they still have and yield to Mass Immigration’s New “Values” and transfer their Assets to the Far Left.

As well, prior to the CoVID Pandemic Mass Immigration was displacing Americans from Jobs, (as studies by John Williams, Norman Matloff, and Ed Rubenstein have documented). Studies by all three indicate that there has not recently been and is not now, a labor shortage.

This prospect of loss of Economic & Personal Security has inter alia resulted in lower Native-Born Fertility Rates. “Replacement Level” fertility is assumed to be 2.1 births per woman. But as of 2018, the TFR of Native-Born Whites was 1.73, Blacks 1.75 and Hispanics 1.77.

In contrast, the TFR of Immigrant Women in 2018 was 2.15, just above replacement level. [cf: “Immigrant & Native Born Fertility 2008-2018,” CIS, Camarata & Zieglar, April 1, 2020]

In order to surmount the foregoing Challenges and Challengers to the USA’s Conservation Culture, BALANCE encourages implementation of the following Solution.

Support BALANCE’s Activist Initiative for a Solution: BALANCE pushes a Zero-Net all-categories-included Moratorium on Legal Immigration which would still allow 150,000 inflow to match typical annual outflow. BALANCE is a genuine MASS Immigration Reduction Group (certain other National Groups not pushing a Moratorium are merely Mass Immigration Management Groups, a position counterproductive to achieving any immigration reductions at all) as we have repeatedly pointed out.
  • Most Important, Contact & Re-Contact your Senators and Representatives and the 2020 Candidates! and Media, and Influencers to oppose Senators Harris and Lee’s (R-UT) S386 and Senator Durbin’s (D-IL) RELIEF Act as well as the outrageous “New Way Forward Act”.
  • Above all, every organization and individual should contact Senators, Media and Influencers and push an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration and emphasize that it would remove the Legal Immigration Magnets (e.g., the uncapped Asylee Category) attracting ever more Illegal Aliens.
  • It is difficult if not impossible to stop most illegal immigrants unless one reduces the Magnet of Legal Immigration “Slots” such as the Uncapped Asylee Category.
  • And focus on Specifics, e.g., How can communities and the nation ever ameliorate our intensifying Homelessness Crisis by annually welcoming in 6 Million Legal Immigrants per year with Taxpayer-funded Health Care, Welfare etc. Benefits, PLUS Amnestying 1.5 Million Illegals, many of whom would be provided with Taxpayer-funded Housing Assistance, as H.R.5038 does?! Or HR 6 which would Amnesty (i.e., legalize) Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Aliens.
  • And the Costs: U.S. Taxpayers Pay $330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after subtracting taxes Immigrants pay) to pay for the federal costs of LEGAL Immigration alone (cf CCN Cost Study). That’s about $758 Million per Year Net per Congressional District and does not include Net State and Local Costs.
Please make a Tax-Deductible DONATION to BALANCE NOW to help Save our Environment and our Nation by Credit Card on our website: BALANCE or by check to: Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104 

Dollar for Dollar, Tax-Deductible Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in both Legal and Illegal immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

And as Dr. V. Abernethy and Dr. Anne Brittain’s Research has shown, reducing immigration into the USA reduces the fertility rates in the sending countries, thus reducing the over-population pressures in those countries.

Help BALANCE intensify its Media, Public Education, Activist Mobilization and Lobbying Efforts with a Tax-Deductible Donation NOW.

Please forward this Alert to your friends who may be concerned about the Environment. 

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance
Population-Environment Balance on ASAP-Coalition
Population Environment Balance on BlogSpot
Population Environment Balance on Wordpress

Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance

Mailing address: 
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address: Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006 

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.